Miley Cyrus and the culture of judgmentalism
Do you judge celebrities and public personalities? What does it mean to you to "render judgment"...
Today's devotional: when others label you unfairly
Have you ever felt called to a particular job, project, or pursuit... only to be told that you're...
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Outside - a Christian perspective
It's not Christians' job to judge those who aren't believers--they're to focus their efforts on helping and correcting those already in the church. God will deal with those outside of the church.
"Eye" in the Bible: Matthew 7:3
Jesus uses a deliberately extreme image in this passage--that of a plank in somebody's eye--to make a point about the human impulse to judge others while ignoring our own faults. Tend to your own flaws, Jesus teaches, before you get too upset about others'.
Heat in the Bible - a Christian perspective
The Bible teaches that the earth will be destroyed one day by fire, and that nothing will be able to withstand the heat. Knowing that the world will one day be destroyed and remade, it's our job to remain faithful to God while we live.
The Inescapable Camera - #2844
If God's all-knowing picture of your sin is there when you die, there is no way He can let you into His heaven. But that picture can be destroyed today - if you reach out to Jesus trust Him to be your Savior. To think that Jesus absorbed all the guilt and all the hell of all those sins when He died on the cross - that is overwhelming love. He waits right now to pour out that love on you.
Moving Day Without Notice - #5893
The Bible makes it clear there's only one way you can prepare to meet your God; to prepare for that day when you will move without notice, either to heaven or to hell. The most urgent issue in our lives is to get all the sins of our life somehow forgiven, because without that, we don't stand a chance with a holy God. And the only One who can forgive your sins is the One who died to pay for your sins in your place. That's Jesus.
Condemned in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Jesus tells us that on the day of judgment it is by our words that we will be condemned or acquitted. We will all have to give an account of our lives, and of every word we've spoken, whether good or evil.
Fix It Before the Final - #5810
Believe me, no matter how hard it may be for you to judge that sin yourself, it's always easier than forcing God to judge it because you wouldn't. He's giving you a chance to fix it now before it goes to the final print.
Secrets - a Christian perspective
The Bible is very clear that we cannot keep secrets from God. In the end all of our secrets will be judged by God and all of our darkness will be exposed to the light.
Dispute in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Paul wrote some harsh words to the Corinthians about how they were handling disputes. Apparently, when there was a dispute, the people were pursuing legal action outside of the church. Paul wrote that they should instead appoint judges within the church to handle disputes and lawsuits rather than settle things in front of unbelievers.
I never knew you - a Christian perspective
It is quite possible to carry out the letter of God's law, but ignore the spirit of it. Anyone who thinks they can earn their way into heaven without truly believing in Christ will be turned away.