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Leadership in youth ministry, part II
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How to choose worship songs for a church service
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Undecided Voters - #8133
Now, this may sound strange, but God has a lot of undecided voters and you may be one of them. See, God’s already voted on where He wants you to spend eternity. He voted on Skull Hill where His only Son went to a cross and allowed Himself to be crucified there to absorb our penalty for our sin. Now that’s God’s vote. In spite of my hijacking my life from Him, He wants me in heaven with Him.

David L. Dawson - Perfeccionando a Los Santos
The entire course of Perfeccionando a Los Santos is now available for free download!

Romans 16:17-24 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Paul wholeheartedly and passionately warns that divisions will destroy the church! The Romans were a people who liked order above all else.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Storm Peace - #5658
Take care of the people and stay focused on your mission. Nestle beneath the protection of your Savior, the God whose you are and whom you serve. Remember, peace is not the absence of a storm. It is peace in the middle of your storm.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Keep Going When Your Tank is Empty - #5648
If you dwell on how stressed you are, or how tired, or how sick or overwhelmed, you're done. You're dwelling on your empty tank. But if, on those depleted days, you consciously focus on your Lord's inexhaustible strength, your Lord's unlimited power, you will be able to keep driving when you thought you couldn't go another mile.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Mission Glue - #4453
As Paul once pleaded with former warriors in the battle to come together, I believe Jesus is pleading with us to get our eyes off each other and on the people who are dying without Him all around us. It is no one other than Satan who distracts us from our rescue mission - so he can keep his prisoners. It's our mission that forces us to come together, to fight our common enemy, to fight for our common Savior. We're same blood, remember? The blood of the Son of God!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Living Unplugged - #4460
Pretty amazing: Martha has the Son of God right there in her home, and she is stressed, and critical, and miserable. That's when Jesus lets her know that all the important things she is hustling around doing are not as important as what Mary is doing - sitting at His feet, listening to Him. If life has become way too stressful and overwhelming for you, it's a good possibility you've been making that same mistake.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Days of the King - #4548
In Tolkien's "Return of the King," there's a man who is supposed to be the caretaker of the throne until the rightful ruler takes his place there. But when it comes time for the king to take the throne, the caretaker refuses to let go of it. He has to be forcibly and violently overthrown. Don't wait for that to happen to you. Jesus is the King of all kings. He is the Lord of all lords. What are you doing holding onto the throne of your life where He is supposed to reign supreme?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Being Where Everything is Decided - #4561
Where will the outcome be decided? Who will decide it? Will that medical condition decide it, your boss, your company, the economy, the people who are against you, some human authority or human factor? No! For you as a child of God, it will be decided in the Throne Room of the One who rules a hundred billion galaxies and who is your Father! Which means your primary method of getting anything done must be big-time praying!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Taking Back What The Enemy Stole - #4315
That could be the mission God is asking you to go on right now. There's something, or someone, that our enemy Satan has stolen. And your Lord wants you to fight to get back what your enemy has no right to have.