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A Hurricane Named Peace - #6520
Hurricane-proof peace is a Person, and He'll be there when the storm is howling, and He'll be there when the storm has passed.

Within My Reach - #6519
We can't just wait for that "professional rescuer" or "someone who has the gift of evangelism" to attempt the rescue. The rescue responsibility rests with the believer who is there. There's nothing random about where we work or where we live or recreate or go to school. You've been divinely positioned to be God's designated "lifeguard" for your stretch of beach.

Resigning the Air Band, Joining the Symphony - #6512
Serving Christ becomes just going through the motions when we start just cranking it out instead of following the four secrets of fruit bearing: staying clean, clinging, asking, and sacrificing for others. That creates a natural flow of Christ through you, not a busy, but empty performance.

Packing Up Christmas - #6507
Because Jesus is alive, because He wanted out of His grave after He died for you, He can walk right into your life upon your invitation. What a day this would be right here in the season we celebrate His coming to this world He could come into your life. Tell Him that today; pray that way to Him today.

Just Wearing the Shirt - #6494
It's possible you have Christianity and you've missed Christ; there's never been that moment when you have made Him personally yours, when you personalized what He did on the cross. And every day you wait puts you deeper and deeper into the spiritual danger zone.

A Strong Sense of Season - #6472
I like what the Bible says in Colossians 3, "Whatever you do, do it with all your heart." And I really like what Jim Elliot, the missionary martyr said, "Wherever you are, be all there." See, things don't work as well when you do them "out of season." Each day, each week has seasons in your life. Well, do with all your heart what it's time to do at that moment and then God makes everything beautiful in its time.

Jesus loves you so much - because you're twice His. Once, because He made you. And once, because He paid for you - with His life. And on the day you welcome Him into your life, He'll give you a glorious new name. "To all who received Him...He gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).

Watching Him Drown - #6465
I know that Jesus jumped in to rescue me at the cost of His life. How can I, then, stay on the shore any longer and watch people I know slip away without Him; without a chance to live forever? And I am their chance.

Twister Love - #6456
Write that letter. Make that call. Go see that person. Give that gift. Say that thank you. Grab that time together. Show them you love them now.

Peace That Stands the Test - #6450
When you make your peace with God, you will have God's peace. The worst can happen, but the best remains. What a rock solid calm you can have at the center of your soul if you'll make the Prince of Peace, your Prince.