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Salt and light - a Chrisitan pespective
Christians are to be "salt and light" to the world. Both salt and light stand out from their environment, and improve the world around them for others.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A Light For All the Dark Places - #8237 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and it was really good to carry a light that could go in all the dark places with me. Of course, not all the dark places in our life are because we don’t have electricity. We walk through dark stretches because of what’s happening in our family, in our job, with our health; important decisions, unexpected bad news, situations that seem like hopeless.


The Wound Is the Battle - #5866
Don't let your sins pile up, unconfessed, uncleansed. As soon as you realize you've blown it, deal with it immediately, call it sin and bring it to the cross of Jesus. And just because you've fallen down doesn't mean you have to stay down and start some cycle of repeated sin.


The Great Lighthouse Shortage - #5837
How can we be content to spend all our time with the already rescued when we are living surrounded by a sea of dying people? How can we say that we're following the One who came, as He said, to "seek and save what was lost" and not be doing that with all our heart? If you're following Jesus, I'll tell you where He's going. He's always headed for a sea of lost people.


The Bumpy Road to a Beautiful Place - #5804
The bumps can make you wonder if you're even on the right road. Which you are, if God led you on it. The long, hard ride can leave you confused and hurting from all the bumps, all focused on yourself. If you're not careful, you'll turn around and leave the road God put you on; the road that ultimately leads to the Promised Land that He wants to give you.


Light world in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Jesus tells the crowd gathered to listen to his sermon on the mount that they are the light of the world. He tells them they are like a city on a hill and to not hide their light from those in the darkness.


First day in the Bible - a Christian perspective
In the creation story, God creates lightness and darkness and relegates them to morning and evening. Through this he creates what we call the first day.


Light darkness - a Christian perspective
In the beginning of John's gospel he calls Jesus the light shines in the darkness. He says that the darkness doesn't fully understand the light.


God is light - a Christian perspective
God is a God of light--of illumination, wisdom, and other characteristics we associate with light and daytime. By contrast, sin is usually represented as spiritual darkness and blindness.


Salt and light - a Christian perspective
Christians are called to stand out from the world with their love, and with their message--to be a light to the dark world around them.
