The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
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The Pregnant Pause - #6767
God has started His greater good, but right now it's just shaking up your world. Oh, He'll explain it. He'll fulfill it in the future. But now, in between, obey before you understand - like a boy jumping off a sled before his Dad told him why. Joseph discovered that the apparent disaster is actually clearing the way for a mighty work of God. You've just got to obey in the meantime.
The Man Who Saved Thanksgiving - #6749
In a spiritual sense, you can have some Native Americans at your table this Thanksgiving as you bring them to the Throne Room of our Father in heaven, who sent His Son for their people and my people.
Black Friday Battles - #6750
I love this high tribute to David, the "man after God's own heart." It says, "He fights the Lord's battles" (1 Samuel 25:28). After all, those are the only ones worth fighting.
Spending it All On the One He Loves - #6741
Romans 8:32 says this: "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He also with Him not freely give us all things?" Delivered up His own Son for us! There was nothing more valuable God had than His Son. How do you know how much He loves you? He spent the best He had. He spent His Son to get you back.
Going Direct - #6739
One of the most disobeyed commandments of Jesus is to settle it with your brother. I think we ought to be asking each other, when someone comes to us with a problem about another person, "Have you talked to them? Have you talked to the real person involved?" Because when it comes to healing broken relationships, don't go to any more outsiders. Go direct!
The Rooster in Your Heart - #6730
Peter graduated from spiritual treason to spiritual greatness after his denial. Why? He let God break his heart over his sin. He responded emotionally to the stabbing pain in his heart. Do you? Spiritual disaster begins when you begin to quench the Spirit; you ignore the call that should wake you up.
The Right Choice This Election
My bottom line - there's no issue worth losing an eternal soul for. So I'm going to stick to Jesus. Because when God looks at this world, He doesn't see Republicans or Democrats, liberals or conservatives. He sees only two groups of people. Saved. And lost.
When You Know An Ugly Secret - #6693
The longer you wait, the worse the fallout's going to be. So, don't be guilty of obstructing justice - God's justice that is. Remember, when you know an ugly secret, knowledge equals responsibility.
Going Through the Motions - #6685
It's possible to know all about Jesus, but not really know Jesus, if you've missed the one step that makes the Savior your Savior.
Not So Secret Service - #6674
If we selfishly, carelessly drift from Jesus, we pull others with us, risking their destruction. Forever. Off duty? As the face of Jesus to people whose eternity depends on believing in Him? God, help me to always - always - leave the light on for them.