The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
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Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Unsinkable Myth - #4629
Jesus said pride would keep people out of heaven - religious pride, family pride, image pride. He said we needed to become like a little child who willingly admits that he can't make it without outside help. That's why Jesus came.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When Daddy's on Deck - #4641
Will the company decide it? Will the economy decide it? Is this disease going to have the final word? Your mate? Your feelings? Or is everything in this situation totally under the authority of your Savior, Jesus Christ? Yes or no. If it is, and you make that your bottom line, the panic is over.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Spiritual Tear Gas - #4645
Jesus also wants us to understand this life-or-death mission we have to rescue the lost people around us by introducing them to the Savior. But often in our efforts to reach people for Christ, we miss an essential first step. Just like the police in a hostage situation, we have to immobilize the assailant before we go running in to rescue his hostages. Like Jesus said, we have to tie his hands. We need to tie up Satan first.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When the Container Lies to You - #4201
The container promised me one thing - but what was inside was very different. That's an experience every one of us has had - when we reached for something based on what it was supposed to give us, only to be disappointed when we found out what was really inside. That deception is, in fact, the very nature of sin, and it's why we end up with scars and messes we never knew were going to be a part of.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Frozen Assets - #4212
That's the problem Jesus has with many of us. He's entrusted some of His assets to us - everything we have is from Him. He expects that we'll be investing His assets in the interests of His kingdom. Unfortunately, His assets are frozen - and we froze them. Some of us have most of Christ's resources all tied up in our own kingdom. It's that kind of thing that caused God to ask in Malachi 3:8, "Will a man rob God?" Well, unfortunately, yes.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Most Dangerous Place in The World - #4214
That desperate man, and millions like him, placed their security in an institution. An institution that seemed safe but that ultimately failed them. A lot of church folks are making that mistake today - placing their eternal security in their church; in believing its beliefs, attending its meetings, even taking church leadership. Sadly, none of that is enough to get your sins forgiven or get you into God's heaven.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Real Christmas People - #4681
Maybe even in these countdown days to Christmas, you can pray for God to open up some amazing opportunities to tell someone about Him - why He came, why He died, and what He does when we open our life to Him.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Escape Artists - #4703
Because God knows your limits, He says, "stop!" when it's a sinful opportunity you can't handle. There simply is no such thing as an irresistible temptation. If you can't walk away from it, God won't let it in your life.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Person Behind the Words - #4706
When you go through a day without time in God's Word, it's not the Bible you're leaving there - it's Jesus. The Bible doesn't care if you show up. Jesus does. That's why you need to make your time with Him and His Word, the highest priority of your personal schedule - the sun around which all the other planets of your day must revolve.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Name that Says it All - #4714
Unless and until you abandon all other hopes and cling completely to God's Rescuer, Jesus, you are headed for hell's eternal punishment. But Jesus already took your punishment when He gave His life for you on the cross. What you have to do is reach out in faith and take for yourself what He did for you there.