The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
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Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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The Ultimate Magnet - #6382
Remember, your heart will follow your money. So, put your money into getting the Gospel to people who don't know Christ; whose eternity depends on that message getting to them. And, as you do that, your burden will grow and your heart will be right where God's heart is.
Why It's Good to Go M.A.D. - #6356
There's a lot more reasons for getting up in the morning when you say, "Lord, help me make a difference for You today." So, as you head out each morning, well, imagine Jesus at the front door calling out to you, "Go M.A.D. for Me today! Go make a difference!"
Young Love, Young Letdown - #6357
for too many, Valentine's Day and anniversaries are just reminders of how disappointing human love has been. Even a great love fails to fill that gaping hole in our heart. It's just too big for any human to fill. The hole in our heart has Jesus' name on it. In the Bible's words we "were created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). And only He has the un-loseable love that will anchor us and complete us.
Very Away and Very Alone - #6348
Jesus Christ suffered the penalty you and I should pay: being cut off from God. That's what hell is. Everything good, pure, loving, and beautiful on earth is because of God. And hell is total "away-ness" from God with no party, no friends, no music, no money to drown that awful emptiness. Jesus was suffering all that hell for you and me on that cross.
Answers in the Graveyard - #6345
The biggest question of all - where you'll spend eternity - can be answered this very day at the feet of Jesus, who is alive; who's waiting to love you. Your search of a lifetime is almost over.
Checking Your Cargo - #6342
What are you dumping on people: garbage or goodies? How do they feel after they have been with you? Do they feel lighter, or do they feel heavier? Do they feel bigger or feel smaller? See, you're giving them what you've been storing up. It's a result of what you've been reading, and watching, and who you've been hanging around with, what you've been laughing at, and what you talk about on the phone, or do on the Internet all the time.
The Ultimate Royal Spectacle - #6338
He's coming back to His world. He's coming unannounced, He's coming uninvited. But today the King wants to come into any heart that will welcome Him and enthrone Him. See, today the question is, "What will I do with Jesus?" Then, the question will be, "What will Jesus do with me?"
A Whiplash World - #6331
I'll tell you, any time's a good time to belong to Jesus. But this time is a really good time to belong to Him. Because behind all the exploding events of our time, there is a plan. There is a God; there is a Savior; there is a King. There is a divinely orchestrated, humanly untouchable countdown to the coming of King Jesus.
The Last Lonely Man - #6279
When you ask Jesus into your life, the wall between you and God comes down and the promise of Jesus is for you. He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." A religion cannot alleviate your loneliness. Beliefs can't do it. Only a person can do that; a person who will never leave you, never forsake you, no strings attached. And Christianity isn't really a religion; it's the person Jesus Christ.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Need to Need What You Know - #6305 | Your Personal Power
Get out on a limb where you're taking some risks for your Lord serving Him so you get beyond yourself; because you'll meet Him there in a way you can't meet Him anywhere else because now, you need to need what you know.