The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
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Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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The Game of the King - #6270
The most dangerous version of The Game of the King is to say all the right words about Jesus, go to all the right meetings, have all the right symbols, and have everybody think you're a Christian, but you've never given your heart to Him - your attendance, your money, maybe even your belief, but you've never given you to Him.
Poison in the Blood Stream - #6268
Envy is a poison in the blood stream. It always starts with comparing. You can't envy unless you first compare homes, children, or beauty, or opportunities, or clothes, or positions with what somebody else has. Isn't it interesting that one of the Ten Commandments of God is "You shall not covet." And you know what? You'll never covet if you don't compare. It always starts with comparing.
The Radical Christmas Victory Plan - #6249
He chooses unlikely candidates and does mighty things through them - which means your inadequacy and ordinariness may be exactly what qualifies you to be a spiritual hero. According to Jesus, who is it that will "inherit the earth?" The mighty? No - the meek (Matthew 5:3).
When the Lights Go On - #6250
Because Jesus loved you enough to pay for your sins on the cross, He can now lift the heavy burdens of your past. He can erase every sin from God's book and declare you forever forgiven. He can give you the security of knowing that you will spend eternity in heaven - because the only thing that could keep you out is gone - your sin.
Driving Hard On a Dead-End Road - #6237
Within your reach is the Jesus-road; the one that leads to life! He's waiting to welcome you, forgive you and then lead you onto the road you were made to be on!
How to Be Safe in Dangerous Times - #6224
The coming of Jesus is scheduled, it's sure and it's "unpostponeable." Whether it's the moment He comes back to earth or the moment He comes for you. Don't risk not being ready.
A Mission With a Name On It - #6232
God's already speaking to your heart about that person He wants you to pray for, to work for, It's your mission from heaven; your mission with a name. Someone who may one day walk up to you in heaven and say, "I'm here because of you."
Matthew LifeGuide Bible Study
What would it be like to be discipled by Jesus himself? What would he teach you about relationships, priorities, wealth and his coming kingdom? What would you learn from his actions? Matthew's Gospel brings you face to face with Jesus as he calls, teaches and prepares his disciples. As you work through these Bible studies on Matthew, you can become one of those chosen followers.
How a Father Builds A Son - #6203
You build a son by building up your son, by often helping him see the awesome thing God did when He created that boy. Even God the Father launched His Son into life with His public approval. How can you do any less for the son He's given you?
The Wreckage of a Runaway Mouth - #6196
God's provided a place where a life hurtling toward the cliffs of eternity can stop its deadly downward race. It's not a ramp. It's a cross. The cross where Jesus died to absorb all that our sin could do to us: its shame, its guilt, its power, its eternal punishment.