The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
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Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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Church Talk - #6191
We've got to ask God to help us get beyond our "Christianese" and to begin to explain the great words of God's rescue in non-religious words.
The Home Keys That Make Life Make Sense - #6189
Your restlessness, your loneliness, your dissatisfaction with life, they're all pointing you to find the only starting point that makes life make sense - in a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. Look, if that's what you want, you need to tell Him that, "Jesus, I'm done running life my way. I know that doesn't work. I'm Yours, Jesus!"
The Person Behind The Words - #6184
When you go through a day without time in God's Word, it's not the Bible you're leaving there - it's Jesus. The Bible doesn't care if you show up. Jesus does. That's why you need to make your time with Him and His Word the highest priority of your personal schedule - the sun around which all the other planets of your day must revolve.
Escape Artists - #6181
For every sinful choice, there are other choices you can make, usually pre-make, that will take you out the exit that God has provided. If you will do your part to seriously battle that sin, believe me, God will do His part to "deliver you from evil."
The Danger of a Drifting Light - #6168
For the sake of the people who are watching your light, you can't afford to drift into negativity, or criticism, or cynicism, or some rebellious attitude. They'll follow you there. If you drift into selfishness, or carelessness about what you look at or listen to. If you drift into gossip, discouragement, compromise, it won't be just you going there. You're affecting other people's course every day. Don't lead them toward the rocks. You've got to hold your position. You're the light!
The Only Way to Get Where You Want to Go - #6165
You can't get in to heaven with the sin of your life still in God's book, and there's only one way for your sin to be erased. The eternal death penalty for your sins has to be paid. On that awful cross, God's Son was actually absorbing that penalty so you would never have to pay it. He did your hell so you could have heaven because He loves you beyond words.
What They're Trying to Tell Us - #6164
God has promised His wisdom upon request (James 1:7 ) - and nobody needs that wisdom more than moms and dads. So, several times a day as you look at your children, ask your Heavenly Father, "Help me see what You see when you look at them." Then you'll know how to give them what they need the most.
Your Feet in Two Canoes - #6163
Aren't you tired of being torn apart inside, trying to choose between your two masters; trying to live with your feet in two canoes? They continue to drift in opposite directions, and so do you. God has some straight talk to you, right from His Word in Joshua 24:15 , "Choose...this day whom you will serve." "Choose!" He said. And choose is what you're going to have to do. Choose the One who loves you most. Choose the One you'll be with forever. Choose Jesus.
Frozen Assets - #6121
There's nothing more exciting than releasing what you have to help finish the work Jesus came to do. There's nothing more unsettling than to imagine Jesus returning, looking at all you have, and asking, "What are you doing sitting on all of that?"
Too Much to Carry - #6093
God stands ready to take the same kind of Holy Spirit empowerment that He's given you and plant that anointing in the lives of others. But you have to be willing to let go, and they have to be willing to step up. And the work of God will take off where you are as never before, without anyone being crushed by the load.