The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
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Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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Why Going to Heaven is So Easy - and So Hard - #6080
Often, in His love, God will send or allow a situation that's totally beyond our control. He'll allow us to hit a wall so we'll realize what children realize so instinctively. We desperately need someone bigger. We need heaven's Prince who died in our place.
The Open Door On the Storm Cellar - #6073
We must be God's welcoming representatives, providing one place where anyone and everyone can feel safe in this storm-ravaged world. We are the open door through which people can find the sanctuary of the love of Jesus Christ.
It Really is "How You Play the Game" - #6072
Hold your head high, no matter what position you play. Don't let that discouragement wear you down any more - not if you're giving it all you've got. If you are, then in God's eyes, the only opinion that ultimately matters you are a champion. Earth may not have many rewards for you. But God's gold medal will one day hang around your neck!
The Choice You Will Never Forget - #6068
On Judgment Day, it will be all about Jesus and what you did with the Man who died in your place to pay for all the sins of your life. He didn't stay dead. Three days after He died, He walked out of His grave under His own power. So He's alive, and you will see Him at the end of your journey. The only thing that will matter at that moment will be what you did with Jesus. God won't care what you did with Christianity, but He'll base your whole eternity on what you did with Jesus.
How Good People Miss Heaven - #6058
When your heart has beaten for the last time, there's only one thing that God will be looking for at the gates of eternity: Jesus, His Son, with His arm around you saying, "This one's with Me."
Driving Hard On the Wrong Road - #6037
The Bible reveals that many people are driving on a road they think will get them to God and that will get them heaven, but there's no way it's going to get them home. However sincere they may be in believing they're on the right road, they are, in God's eyes, totally lost.
How We Flock to Destruction - #6028
Your religion won't take you to heaven. Only Jesus can do that because only Jesus died to remove the sin that will keep you out of heaven. Only Jesus rose from the dead to be a living Savior for you. The question isn't, "What religion are you?" It's "What are you counting on as the reason God will let you into His heaven?"
Punching Holes in the Darkness - #6023
The lost folks around you probably won't be all that impressed with your don'ts or all the religious meetings you go to. They need to see meaningful differences in you because Christ is in you.
Fighting the Cold - #6004
I believe Jesus is summoning many of us to join Him in an all-out effort to rescue as many dying people as possible in the time we've got left. He's asking you to throw yourself totally; I mean your influence, your money, your home, your talents, and your time into the greatest cause in the universe. It is the cause for which Jesus gave His very life.
The Charlie Brown Christmas Miracle - #5990
Ultimately, what's broken us is the sinning that's been done against us and the sinning that we've done against others - and, most of all, against God. That's why we need a Savior, a Rescuer. We've hijacked our life from our Creator. We've lived it the way we wanted to instead of the way He wants us to.