The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
Need a Little Help With Your Bible Study?
Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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Holy Hunger - #5937
ince you're farther along the line than most of the people with you, you've stopped where you are. But there is so much more God wants to serve you than you have ever sampled before. Don't be satisfied with where you are now. You go after food when you're physically hungry. Ask God to stir up that holy hunger in your soul that goes after the rest of His righteousness.
Night Lights - #5934
Don't be intimidated by the darkness - you are the most important person in that dark place because you have the light of Jesus. Without you, darkness is all there is. Humbly, gently, lovingly, be the light there. You are one light that should never be turned out!
Running Hard In The Wrong Direction - #2586
Could it be that some earth-stuff has become the central pursuit of your life? That's not what you were created to pursue. And right now Jesus is pursuing you, trying to intercept you as you run toward a goal that doesn't count. He's trying to get you turned around "to seek first His kingdom." He doesn't want the epitaph that goes with your name to be those two hollow words - "Wrong way."
Followers with Footnotes - #5928
Jesus assured Peter he was losing nothing any more than you lose the money you invest in a stock that later goes sky high. In fact, Jesus promises a reward a hundred times any sacrifice you make. What a return! But that kind of reward is reserved for those who give Jesus a blank piece of paper, not a contract.
Why it's Good to Go MAD - #3530
There is no greater difference you can make in the life of someone you care about than to help them change their eternal address - that means from hell to heaven. You do that when you let them know what Jesus did for you and can do for them. They will thank you forever for the difference you made!
The Need To Need What You Know - #3487
Get out on a limb, out of your comfort zone, risking for your Lord, serving your Lord - so you can get beyond yourself, where you will have to reach out desperately for truths that you have known for years. You'll meet Jesus there in a way you can't meet Him anywhere else. You need to need what you know - and following Jesus into the great adventure He's summoning you to will put you right in the middle of all His power!
Throwing Out Goodies - #3736
You can keep giving out to other people because God is always going to give you back more than you gave out. You shovel out, God shovels in, and God has a much bigger shovel. And what are we giving out ultimately? Grace. Undeserved favor - just like we've received from God.
The Missing Person On Your Journey - #3724
The Bible indicates that many people - especially those who've been around Christian things a lot - are in danger of making this same deadly mistake. Like our daughter in that grocery store, they are going on without the Person they need to lead them - and they're ending up lost.
The Illusion of Life - #2789
It's an unsettling thought that sitting next to each other are two people who both look like they know Jesus, talk like they know Jesus, even act like they know Jesus, but one is headed to heaven, the other is headed to hell.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Laser Praying - #8271 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
A few years ago, my wife had a severe gall bladder attack. In fact, it was so severe it was going to require having her gall bladder removed in a city 2,000 miles from home. Well I didn’t like that, but it turned out to be a gift from God! At home, the doctors would have had to go what they call the “long way.” It’s an invasive approach that takes weeks to recover from. The doctor we ended up with was an outstanding laser surgeon, and the laser took care of that problem. My wife was up in two days! Now, she could have lay there under diffused light for days, and it would have made no difference. But look at what focused light can do! Maybe we can use a little lasering when we need a change in something or someone we care about.