The First of Four: Matthew
This week on, we're taking a look at the four gospels of Jesus Christ, and today we're...
Need a Little Help With Your Bible Study?
Don't we all.
Sometimes reading the bible in a systematic way can be difficult. It's far...
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Close Enough to Save Them - #2719
God has assigned you to a neighborhood, a workplace, a school, a social circle - to put you in a position to represent Jesus there. Yes, with your life - but also with your words. People won't figure out that Jesus took their place on the cross just by watching your life. You have to tell them that!
When the Container Lies to You - #5918
Don't fall for those lies on sin's package. Check its real contents, as exposed graphically in the Bible. If you've already opened sin's package, get out while you can. If you're looking at a compromise that God calls sin, run the other way. You haven't got time for the pain, for the scars, for the slavery, for the shame. Do it God's way, even if it's harder, even if it takes longer. Remember, it's the narrow road that leads to life. It's the wide road that leads to destruction
Unused Capabilities - #2736
We're settling for the mediocre when we're wired for the miraculous. You have the Holy Spirit of Almighty God living in your body - you have backing you up the authority that Jesus has over everything in the universe - you have Jesus' resurrection power in your life - are you living like it?
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Your Own 24 - #8257 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
When I first heard about the TV series, “24,” I thought the idea was a non-starter. I mean, the entire season is about one day, with each show being one hour of that day. A dumb idea, I thought. Well, it shows how much I know. They’re several seasons in now, and the show continues to draw a strong audience. And for Jack Bauer, the hero, the entire season is about just one day.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Tax Day-Judgment Day - #8249 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and whether it’s a personal audit or a company audit like our ministry has every year, it’s nice to know you have nothing to hide. It’s the same when the time comes for the Ultimate Auditor to review, not just your finances, but your life.
Stuffed With Junk - #5868
The problem is when "stuff" that should be peripheral becomes central in your life. That's when it's time to reevaluate your priorities. It's time to see your life through God's eyes, and clean out what's not useful - the trivial pursuits.
The Great Lighthouse Shortage - #5837
How can we be content to spend all our time with the already rescued when we are living surrounded by a sea of dying people? How can we say that we're following the One who came, as He said, to "seek and save what was lost" and not be doing that with all our heart? If you're following Jesus, I'll tell you where He's going. He's always headed for a sea of lost people.
Caught Unprepared - #5825
You can reject Jesus simply by doing nothing. And believing in Him means you've told Him that you are placing your total trust in Him to be your Rescuer from your sin.
Sleeping Through Your Wakeup Call - #5816
I don't know how many more times He's going to call. I don't know - you don't know - when your time is going to be over. Bottom line: this is heaven or hell we're talking about. Today, right now - Jesus is calling one more time. Don't sleep through His call again. There's so very much to lose.
Never a Day Without a Sunrise - #5807
Some days you're going to be excited about what's ahead. Other days you're going to be overwhelmed by what's ahead, or some days you may be discouraged, or eager, or exhausted. But however you are, no matter what that day holds, the sun is going to come up again. It always does. And God is going to light this day, no matter what.