Past the Popcorn film roundup—A Decent Enough Week... If Your Expectations Are In Check
Each week, Past the Popcorn offers a thorough look at the latest round of films opening on big...
Aiming for an audience greater than one: a pastor's quest to make a Bible epic
Michael Jacob's highly entertaining feature documentary Audience of One has been on the...
Past the Popcorn film roundup—Christians Are No Angels, That's For Sure
Each week, Past the Popcorn offers a thorough look at the latest round of films opening on big...
Past the Popcorn Reconsiders The Dark Knight
Okay... It's official. The Dark Knight is a certifiable cultural phenomenon. Dedicated fans are...
Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie trailer is out!
I was pleased to find out from blog readers earlier this month that I'm not the only person whose...
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Looking at redemptive parallels in Les Miserables musical and film
The film version of the musical will soon be released – and the story is so well known that we can start planning now. (Release date December 2012 N. America, January in Europe.)
For this is a major opportunity. Les Miserables is not only the most most popular musical ever, but also a serious and deep story, with a hugely redemptive message.
Free Christian resources about re-released Chariots of Fire film
Culturewatch ministry Damaris has released free resources to use in conjunction with the re-release of the digitally-remastered Chariots of Fire and the Olympics. Download free from their Chariots of Fire page including the videos below in WMV or MOV format, plus free discussion materials and PowerPoints to use in meetings, youth groups or schools.
Spiritual questions in The Hunger Games movie
The Hunger Games movie has released across the world, with critical acclaim. It may not be a film that would appeal to your mother, or perhaps even you – if your demographic is not teens and twenties. But be assured, most of your church youthgroup and their peers will see this one. And it's definitely not a lightweight high school comedy. This is deep and serious.
War Horse - a moving Spielberg film with many redemptive themes
Spielberg's latest movie is getting rave reviews. And rightly so. The popular children's book by Michael Morpurgo has been faithfully adapted: read story of the film and its making.
And there are many redemptive echoes embedded in it. Here are a few...
Free ebook: Using Film in Christian Communication
Moving pictures have captivated audiences since their invention. Whether to capture reality or create an alternate narrative, film has taken us on a fascinating journey during the last century.
Review: Studio Ghibli film Arrietty is beautiful at every level
Arrietty, the latest animation from Studio Ghibli: released in Japan in 2010, it came to Europe in early 2011 and UK/Australia in July. Sadly for N America, you'll have to wait till February 2012, for reasons I know not. Because it is a sheer delight. Pure treasure. The artwork and soundtrack are beautiful, detailed and subtle.
Film review: The Tree of Life is a remarkable story echoing the experience of Job
The Tree of Life is a remarkable and surreal film. When did you last see a mainstream production which started with a quote from the book of Job, and then took a 'Job's journey' through pain to healing acceptance?
Film review: The Tree of Life is a remarkable journey reflecting the book of Job
The Tree of Life is a remarkable and surreal film. When did you last see a mainstream production which started with a quote from the book of Job, and then took a 'Job's journey' through pain to acceptance?
Movies and TV tell hidden stories with spiritual messages and parallels
People have always loved stories – indeed we are hard-wired to so, and we spend a considerable portion of our leisure time in the world of story, particularly through movies/TV. Yet many people probably enjoy them without necessarily discerning areas of deeper significance within the plot.
Using secular movies as a starting point in evangelism
Here are several examples of using movies to connect with outsiders. This strategy has huge potential, both online and offline. Watch too a trailer compilation of the wonderful Studio Ghibli films.