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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Best Seats in the House - #4475
Those who have suffered painfully, those who have been hurt deeply, they are the people who have - or can have - a view of the awesomeness of God that others never see. And if you are going through a long, dark valley right now, there's hope here for you in seeing beyond the hurt to what can happen if you let your big need open you up to a big God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Breaking Through Thick Ice - #4445
It's not easy to melt the ice that has frozen over a sidewalk. It's even tougher to melt the ice that has frozen over someone's heart. That hard, frozen heart may be yours right now - or it may be the frigid condition of the heart of someone you know. Any hard or frozen heart is something that can cause a lot of injury - and can be holding inside a pile of hurt.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Battles That Really Matter - #4000
Someone we loved was in trouble. It was obvious that we had to drop everything to help put him back together. It was a long, grueling day, much of it spent with a specialist - but with a lot of physical pain for our son and emotional pain for us - his healing began. There are times in our lives when our priorities need a shakeup - and we need to focus the best we've got on helping a loved one in trouble. It happened to Abram in our word for today in the Word of God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Trapped By The Baggage - #4070
Here, God has great plans for Saul, but he's not there for them because he's hiding in all this baggage. Over the years, many of God's children have missed God's plan because they were buried in their baggage. Like us that chaotic day at the airport, a lot of us can't move ahead because we've got all this baggage to deal with.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Vacation You Can't Afford - #8063
You know it can happen in summer, or any time when your guard is down, or you’re away from people who know you, or you have more time on your hands. It’s called a spiritual vacation. It turns into a vacation from God, and maybe losing a life that matters. The most expensive vacation you’ll ever take because your enemy, the devil, never takes a vacation.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What You Gain From What You Lose - #5279
God has a wonderful way of adding or deepening some precious qualities through our times of loss and limitation and pain. Some of the most unforgettable people I've ever met have been people who've suffered much more than I have, and they will tell you that it was their struggle that made them strong. You may not like the process; you probably won't. But you'll like the beautiful results that can come from the process, if you choose to let it make you better instead of making you bitter.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Positive Pain - #3815
Now if the relatively short-lived pain of an inoculation keeps our little guy from major illness later on, he'll be really grateful that his parents loved him enough to let him have that little pain someday. Of course, it isn't just babies who experience pain without an explanation. Sometimes it's us big people, too. In fact, you may be going through a hurtful time right now - and, just like my grandson, if your Heavenly Father tried to explain it to you, there's no way you could understand the good He's trying to accomplish.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Payoff for the Pain - #3867
But right now you're in practice, and you don't feel very victorious. It hurts. You're under a lot of pressure; you're trying to do what's right but it doesn't seem to be working. And maybe God has trusted you with the assignment to show His joy and His love in the midst of physical suffering. Or perhaps you're paying a price for the stand you're taking. It's tempting to compromise, to back off, maybe to give in to despair, or even to quit.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Tragedy's Eyes - #3873
What happened on a national scale . . . what happened to Laura Ingalls on a personal scale - those are pictures that remind us of the good that can come from some of life's most painful experiences. That could be very important for you to remember right now - because you're going through one of those painful experiences right now. The pain is deep - but it's not the whole story - because God uses tragedy to help build people into something greater.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hammer in God's Hands - #3923
Suffering, pain, hardship, heartache - those are some of life's hammers. You may feel like one of those hammers has been beating on you lately. What you may not realize is who's holding that hammer - and what He's trying to do with it.