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Fat Sick Pastors
Out of Ur pointed out an interesting New York Times article a few weeks ago about how unhealthy...

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31 Days of Praying for Your Pastor
Pastors cannot win the battle alone; they need committed intercessors to lift them in fervent, specific prayer. Imagine how the power of God might be released in our churches if we were to pray faithfully for our pastors.

Top books for church leaders, christian ministers and pastors including free e-books
The books in this section cover different aspects of church ministry, and are highly recommended. Includes free downloadable e-books.

"Teacher" in the Bible: Ephesians 4:11-13
God has called some among the church to be teachers, to train and disciple their fellow believers. Their goal is to prepare the church for acts of service and evangelism.

Pastor's Perspective: An Interview With Dr. Bill Hogan
Nancy welcomes her former pastor of many years, Bill Hogan, as they discuss the importance of the local church. You’ll learn how preparing your heart for worship can be life-changing, as well as practical ways to pray for and encourage your pastors.

Follow the Leaders
Nancy walks through passages in the New Testament to help us identify the attitudes and actions we should display toward our spiritual leaders.

You Matter to Your Community
You matter. You matter so much that the enemy wants to throw you down and rip away the joy you first had when you started on this road with God. He hates you and he hates the work you are doing in the lives of others.

You Matter to God
You matter. It's not what you do, it's you. More than you matter to your family, your students, your church, or anyone else, you matter to God.

A.W. Tozer : A Different Man in the Pulpit
I am afraid of the pastor that is another man when he enters the pulpit from what he was before. Reverend, you should never think a thought or do a deed or be caught in any situation that you couldn't carry into the pulpit with you without... audio sermons: A Pastor’s Legacies by Thomas Brooks
I shall proceed, as I said, and leave some legacies with you, which may, by the finger of the Spirit, be made advantageous to you, to whom am not advantaged to speak in person.

Staff Relations: Partnering with Your Senior Pastor
Insights from youth ministers on how to relate to your senior pastor.

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” -Matthew 22:37-39 Listen to chapter

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