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Portuguese Bible (Brazilian) :: Nova Versão Internacional (NVI)
This translation of the Bible is for the Brazilian dialect of the Portuguese language, which is primarily used in Brazil. This translation uses a semi-formal language style and applies a meaning-based translation philosophy. It is translated from the biblical languages and was completed in April 2000.


Portuguese Pauls Amazing Travels
Portuguese: Paul and Silas are in a jail in Philippi. They are singing and praising God when an earthquake opens all the doors. They stop the jailer from killing himself and he is saved and baptized. Paul sails to many places preaching the Gospel, even to Rome.


Portuguese From Persecutor to Preacher
Portuguese: Philip tells an Ethiopian about Jesus from Isaiah. The Ethiopian believes & is baptized. A Pharisee named Saul of Tarsus hates Christians. On the way to Damascus he is blinded by a great light and a voice tells him he is persecuting Jesus. He believes and is baptized and becomes Paul.


Portuguese Peter and the Power of Prayer
Portuguese: Peter goes to Joppa and raises Dorcas from the dead. Peter stays with Simon a tanner where he has a vision. Cornelius a Roman centurion is visited by an angel who tells him to send for Peter. Peter comes and the Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles when they believe and they are baptized.


Portuguese The Church Meets Trouble
Portuguese: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere.


Portuguese The Birth of the Church
Portuguese: About 120 disciples are praying in an upper room. The Holy Spirit descends upon them in tongues of fire. They boldly preach & people hear them in many languages. Peter preaches & 3000 are saved. Peter & John heal a lame man & are persecuted by the religious leaders. The church grows.


Portuguese The First Easter
Portuguese: Jesus eats the Passover, the last supper with His disciples. Judas betrays Him for 30 pieces of silver. The priests arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. He is judged by Annas, Herod & Pilate. Peter denies Him. He is crucified on a cross but resurrects in 3 days & returns to heaven.


Portuguese Jesus and Zaccheus
Portuguese: Jesus passed through Jericho. A short tax collector named Zaccheus climbs up a sycamore tree to see Jesus when he passes by. Jesus calls up to Zaccheus & says he is going to his house. Zaccheus begins a new life through Jesus that day & proves it by his good works. Salvation has come.


Portuguese Jesus and Lazarus
Portuguese: Lazarus, Mary & Martha's brother, is sick. They ask Jesus to come to Bethany. When Jesus arrives Lazarus has died. Jesus says “Lazarus come forth.” Lazarus comes out of the tomb alive. Jesus says “I am the resurrection & the life.” Jesus' enemies plan to kill Him because of this miracle.


Portuguese Jesus Feeds 5000 People
Portuguese: Jesus crosses the Sea of Galilee & the people follow. He teaches them & after they are hungry. Andrew finds a boy who has 5 loaves & 2 fish. Jesus blesses the food & breaks it & it multiplies to feed 5000 men with 12 baskets left over. Later Jesus does another miracle & feeds 4000.


“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” -Psalm 73:25-26 Listen to chapter

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