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God deserves our fear. After all, He is the Prime Mover of the Universe. In Him alone is the...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Following The People or Leading the People - #5484
That's the kind of leadership I hope you're prepared to give. Walk ahead of the people you're leading - you can't hear the Lord as long as you're listening to the crowd. You have to extricate yourself from the fray and get some perspective. Then cry out to God, "What am I to do with these people?" And listen for where He is headed and then do what He says. Your job is to let God show you what He is up to, and then to join Him in what He's doing by obeying Him, and then leading the people in that direction even if another way seems right to them.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Start a Fire - #5533
That is so often God's modus operandi in sending us the miracle that is our only hope. Abraham has to move from his home in order to found a new people in a new land. Noah has to build a boat before there's any need for that boat. Moses has to take the step of faith by choosing to go with a nation of slaves instead of staying with a nation of masters in order to see the miracles of the Exodus. You get things ready by steps of faith and obedience that God calls you to do. Then He sends the fire.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Giving it to Your Guard - #5537
Ask God for the Jesus grace to not retaliate when the harshness is just being hurled at you. Don't answer it. Don't stoop to their level and become like them. The Bible says a soft answer turns away anger.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Incredible Shrinking Me - #5597
There are two lifelong battlefields where we wrestle with the Lord over the "me first" thing. One is the area of control. We don't mind giving the Lord time, or money, or service. We give Him loyalty and hard work. We'll give Him anything but control. I want to maintain control of the areas that really matter to me: maybe my career, or my family, my money. I want to control my ministry, or my image, my talent, my plans. For most of us, there is a major control issue that lets the control of Jesus Christ go only so far.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Bad Stuff in Your Tank - #5605
It isn't that you haven't tried to fix things. You've worked harder, you've adjusted your approach, you've tried to place blame, you've even prayed about it. But things still aren't running right. Could it be it's because there's dirt in your tank? The problem isn't the vehicle or the miles or those traveling with you. It's those impurities in your tank, and they're costing you your power.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Climate Control - #5488
f you're in a position of influencing others, have you considered how the temperature feels where you are, what kind of climate you're establishing? Not so much with what you say, but more with the way you are. Is it tense around you or peaceful? Are people around you seeing a model of caring? Of unselfishness?

Our Powerful Helper: Marshall Shelley
Our Powerful Helper Relying on God’s Strength

Leading with Power and Love
Danny Jones, pioneer of Reach Out's youth ministry training in Slovakia, counters our tendency to get on a power trip when we become recognized as a leader.

The Outflow Of The Mouth » Andy Stanley On Leadership
A leadership quote from Pastor Andy Stanley of Northpoint Community Church.

The Outflow Of The Mind » The Most Powerful Man In The Room - Andy Stanley
This summary of a talk at the Catalyst 2007 Christian Leadership Conference is key in understanding the example Jesus set for us when all eyes are on us as leaders.