The Prayerful Disciple
I think we've all had questions about prayer: when should I do it, what's appropriate, what...
An Introduction to Prayer
Prayer is communicating with God. Simple, right? However, we all know it's not that simple....
How do you pray effectively? More on the basics of prayer
Yesterday we pointed out several good articles about prayer. Here's a few more worth checking...
Looking for Someone to Pray For?
One cool thing about the community is the chance to pray for one another. Whether...
Do you pray for your family?
Most Christians understand the importance of prayer. We pray for big issues like world peace and...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
True Woman Blog: Let me pray for you . . .
I had been a Christian for over 20 years, but this was the first time someone had offered to pray for me, and then did so--immediately--out loud and in my hearing, and over the phone! I thought to myself, how bold, how strange, and how wonderful to hear someone praying for me.
True Woman Blog: On Walking and Praying
If you at all enjoy praying or walking, can I encourage you to listen to this really practical conversation? Or, if you're feeling rather stymied in your prayer life . . . Either way, I think you'll catch a bit of Christ’s heart for the world as you listen to Erin Davis.
True Woman Blog: In the Throne Room
The four creatures who surround God’s throne, they look at each other incredulously for a few seconds and then whisper, “Is that ALL she’s going to ask?!”
The Wall Is Broken Down
A call to prayer for our country from Nancy DeMoss' 1999 National Day of Prayer speech.
Nancy's Personal Petitions
Make these prayer requests that Nancy has prayed over the years your own.
Living the Surrendered Life
Nancy walks line by line through the hymn, "Take My Life." Personalize this wonderful text as your prayer to be fully consecrated to Christ.
Indispensable Ingredients for Life
Combine the presence of God and the Word of God daily. To ensure maximum freshness, do this morning and night. Follow this recipe, and you will have success in all you do!
How to Pray for America
Pray for our nation with the help of these prayer requests.
Check Your Prayer Pulse (Answer Key)
After checking your prayer pulse, you may be in need of some "Prayer CPR." Here are three simple steps to help strengthen your prayer heartbeat!
Check Your Prayer Pulse
Mary Kassian believes that the state of a person’s prayer life is an indicator of the condition of that person’s heart for God. Take your prayer pulse with this ten-question quiz.