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Today's devotional: the emperor's new clothes
You're probably familiar with the story of the Emperor's new clothes, in which a proud ruler's...

Today's Devotional: We're All Capable
Have you ever felt like you're incapable of certain kinds of sins? I know I have, only to...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Insisting on Driving - #3819
Now you may be a very independent person. You've driven your life all these years, and you're not about to relinquish the wheel now. But all these years, the One who created you has been saying, "Isn't it about time you let Me drive?" And while you may have tried to keep God happy by being religious, you have stubbornly tightened your fingers around the wheel.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Lost and Not Knowing it - #5306
Pride may be the number one reason people will end up in hell instead of the heaven they were sure they were going to. But they never admitted they were lost. They never pinned all their hopes on their only hope, Jesus, the Savior.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Bullets You Can't Get Back - #3957
Our angry, or reckless, or critical words are bullets - and it's all too easy to pull that trigger. In fact, it takes the help of God and our personal discipline to keep from firing off a round of wounding words. But once you pull that trigger, there's no way to get that round back. Long after you've forgotten what you said, that person is still feeling the hurt of it, still hearing it over and over again in their heart. The words take a moment; the wounds can last for years.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Proud - But Lost - #3959
That's one of those frustrating things about a lot of us men - they can be lost, but too proud to ask for help. That's a mistake that has made many a man miss his destination - including the meaning of his life and the heaven he hopes to go to when he dies. A man can be spiritually lost - and even have someone in his life who is encouraging him to reach out to God - but he's too proud to do it. That can be fatal pride. You may be a man like that. God loves you too much to lose you - so He'll do whatever it takes to open you up to what only He can do for you.

Humility: Coming to God on His Terms
Many Christians have misconceptions about humility. Humility is not personal disgust, nor is it the habit of putting ourselves down in order to appear spiritual. Rather, humility is acknowledging God for who He is, and recognizing who we are before Him.

Seeking Him--Humility: Coming to God on His Terms
Pride is the "anti-God state of mind," according to C.S. Lewis. Learn to avoid the danger of pride while embracing the joy of humility in the series Seeking Him—Humility: Coming to God on His Terms.

Clear Conscience: Dealing with Offenses Toward Others
Intentionally or unintentionally, we hurt people, and we need to clear our conscience before God. Maintaining a clear conscience requires humility, but God will help you. Let Nancy guide you as you make restitution with others.

Brokenness: The Heart God Revives
Experience the power of revival in your heart as you learn how to live with the "roof off" in your relationship with God and the "walls down" in your relationship with others.

Basilea Schlink : Rebellion
Rebellion was the sin of the followers of Korah (Num. 16), of those who murmured and protested against their leaders and against those who had special privileges and blessings that they themselves did not have. This rebellious spirit can be especially found among the pious...

Basilea Schlink : Conceit: Vanity
A conceited person! These words are not exactly what you would call a compliment! Yet the highest goal of a conceited person is to be complimented. Externally he tries to have an attractive appearance and wear smart clothes. Internally he seeks the facade of a pleasant personality...

“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” -Proverbs 14:22 Listen to chapter

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