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The Not So Grim Reapers - #6555
Don't wait a long time for discipline. When a lot of time has passed, the lesson will be forgotten. Explain the discipline; explain why it's wrong. Be consistent, especially in the early stages of trying to establish a boundary in your child's life. Whatever you do, don't fail in this life-giving responsibility. Be sure your children learn from your discipline that whatever a man sows, he will reap.

Lit Up From the Inside - #6552
If you're a woman, why not begin a beauty treatment on the inside? Let Christ do a makeover; He's good at those. And let His radiance and His magnetic glow come through you. You'll be a solid gold woman, beautiful, not because you're made up on the outside, but because you're lit up on the inside.

Outrageous - #6548
God is not deaf to the shattered lives; the anguished cries of a world that sin has devastated. God says today as He said to Moses in Exodus, "I have heard them crying out...I am concerned about their suffering...So I have come down to rescue them." Oh good! God's going to do something about all this hurt and lostness. Yes He is, and He has a plan. Listen to the next verse, "So, now, go. I am sending you" (Exodus 3:7-10 ).

The Effect Your Name Has - #6521
Your good name? Man, it's worth everything. Don't compromise it. Don't put a mark on anyone else's name either, because according to the Bible, if you've got a good name, you're a moral millionaire.

Beautiful When It's Fresh - #6492
Don't let anything, including your own runaway emotions or passions, cause you to sacrifice the best of sex and the best of love. Remember, it's like snow. It's beautiful when it's fresh.

The Message at Macy's Parade - #6489
There's only one person who even claimed to die for our sins. There's only one person who backed up that claim by walking out of His grave under His own power, because only someone who has eternal life can give it. Jesus alone paid the price so you and I wouldn't have to.

Jumping Before You've Heard It All - #6482
How are you perceived by your mate, your children, your parents, your friends when it comes to listening? Maybe someone has basically stopped trying. But tell them you want another chance. It takes patience; it takes self-control to listen; not just to a person's words, but to their heart. It is, according to the Word of God, foolish not to listen before you speak.

The Terminator - #6467
This tongue we've got is daily either making people feel more alive or more destroyed inside. So, hold the put-downs, swallow the sarcasm, and cushion the criticism. Remember, your tongue can be The Terminator.

Watching Him Drown - #6465
I know that Jesus jumped in to rescue me at the cost of His life. How can I, then, stay on the shore any longer and watch people I know slip away without Him; without a chance to live forever? And I am their chance.

Twister Love - #6456
Write that letter. Make that call. Go see that person. Give that gift. Say that thank you. Grab that time together. Show them you love them now.