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Streamlined Spirituality - #6837
David said in Psalm 42, "Where can I go and meet with God? My heart pants for the Lord." Is it time to say, "Lord, give me an insatiable appetite for You"? Maybe you'll want to un-streamline the God time in your life and grow beyond the point of "How short can we make this?" And grow to the point where you can say, "Lord, I can't get enough of You."


Lance, Lies, and A Look In The Mirror - #6820
We may think lying is no big deal. It is to God, and we're going to answer to Him some day. On the Bible list of "six things the Lord hates," lying is the only one that appears twice in Proverbs 6:16-19. And in our word today from the Word of God in Psalm 101:7, He bluntly declares that "no one who practices deceit will dwell in My house." God is a God of truth. Lying sets God against me. Dishonesty is a very big deal.


Painful Directions - #6812
Here's a good rule of life. If you're going to get the pain, get the point. See, God loves you enough to pull on you even if it hurts when you're headed for something that is going to hurt you. Listen to Him. Listen to His Word. Listen to the gentle Spirit impulses on the inside. Do what He's telling you to do.


Royal Babies - #6807
We never really understand our worth until we have a personal relationship with the One who gave us our worth in the first place. Jesus came and died because that relationship was broken by our sin; by our self-willed running of our own life; our way instead of God's way.


The Power of Broken - #6797
Maybe God's allowed you to be broken so you could finally be healed; to finally see that you really do need Him, to be forgiven by Him, to have a personal relationship with Him, to actually take personally for yourself what Jesus did on the cross to tear down the wall between you and God.


The Mistakes We Make For Love - #6795
After every "I want" should come four little words that mark the road to God's best. "It's up to Jesus." It's often our broken dreams and our messed up plans that turn our heart in God's direction. And that's where we finally find the love and the purpose that we were made for; that we've looked for our whole life.


Knowing How Long You'll Live - #6793
God's got work for you to do. The fact that you woke up this morning means that God has a destiny for you for this day. He's delivered you from every lion in your life so you could finish what He's put you on earth to do. What a way to live: fearlessly, confident, significantly! The Lord will rescue you from every attack except one. And that will be when He takes you safely to His heavenly kingdom.


Intent, Not Tentative - #6789
One of Jim Elliott's mottos went like this (you ready?), "Wherever you are, be all there." Somebody may have said to you, "You're not all there." Well, yes, wherever you are, be all there. If you've got something to do anyway, why not do it with all you've got? If you've got to be there, why not be there with all your heart?


What the Storm Left Behind - #6788
Jesus is the One who can finally calm that lifelong storm in your restless soul with His storm-proof peace. Because you're safe, no matter what the wind and waves may do. Yes, the storm is bigger than you are, but your Jesus is bigger than your storm!


Too Precious To Waste - #6773
A day is too precious to waste. It is only to be spent for the people and for the causes that are going to matter forever. Okay, you've got a day. Invest it!
