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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Your Personal Expiration Date - #8281 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
We just got home from an extended ministry trip, and I checked the date on the milk in the fridge. Oh, the expiration date was a long time ago, and I really hate to chew my milk. The expiration date on some cans in our pantry have probably saved us from some unpleasant dining experiences. Wouldn’t it be something if people came with expiration dates? Actually, we do.


Guarding My Morsel, Missing The Meal - #2830
Whole communities are missing God's outpouring because churches and ministries and leaders are not working together. Again, each one is fighting for their program, their budget, their territory - and God simply turns away and says, "If you only knew what could happen in your town if you could ever get together."


Safe in the Middle of the Flood - #2713
You know floods are coming. Just don't wait for the floods to build the wall around your family. If you make each day a flood-proofing day, your family may be in the flood - but the flood won't be in your family.


Hitting People With Your Baggage - #2711
Maybe you're carrying a load of stress, or hurt, or frustration, or anger, or worry. It could be that the pain of your past keeps weighing you down. But the problem is that your baggage is hurting other people - who probably don't deserve it!


Dot Fixation - #2662
God may be asking you right now, "So what do you see?" If it's just the dot in front of you, you will probably get it wrong. Let your Lord lift your eyes to the larger canvas on which today's dot is very small - the canvas of an all-powerful, all-loving Father working in your life and His unstoppable, eternal plan for you.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Your Own 24 - #8257 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
When I first heard about the TV series, “24,” I thought the idea was a non-starter. I mean, the entire season is about one day, with each show being one hour of that day. A dumb idea, I thought. Well, it shows how much I know. They’re several seasons in now, and the show continues to draw a strong audience. And for Jack Bauer, the hero, the entire season is about just one day.


The Biggest Star Of All - #2869
God loves you so much. So much that even though you have defied Him by running your own life, He sent His Son to go to a cross to bear the death penalty for your sin. God doesn't want to lose you. And when Jesus comes knocking on the door of your heart, offering you His love and His forgiveness, it just doesn't make any sense to reject Him or postpone Him.


The Inescapable Camera - #2844
If God's all-knowing picture of your sin is there when you die, there is no way He can let you into His heaven. But that picture can be destroyed today - if you reach out to Jesus trust Him to be your Savior. To think that Jesus absorbed all the guilt and all the hell of all those sins when He died on the cross - that is overwhelming love. He waits right now to pour out that love on you.


Shutdown Mode - #2843
Before you go to sleep, search through your heart for any garbage that has accumulated - anger, unforgiveness, lust, coveting, comparing, gossip, negative attitudes, sinful treatment of people. Don't shut down until you've cleaned out the junk of the day - by bringing it to Jesus in repentance - right there on your bed.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A Light For All the Dark Places - #8237 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and it was really good to carry a light that could go in all the dark places with me. Of course, not all the dark places in our life are because we don’t have electricity. We walk through dark stretches because of what’s happening in our family, in our job, with our health; important decisions, unexpected bad news, situations that seem like hopeless.
