What do Christians have to sing about?
Why is singing such an important part of the Christian tradition? That might sounds like an odd...
Today's devotional: following Jesus up the "hill of the Lord"
Psalm 24 describes someone "ascend[ing] the hill of the Lord" to "stand in his holy place." What...
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hand You Never Outgrow - #4950
The hand of Jesus is reaching to you right now. Look closely and you'll see nail prints in that hand. They're there because of the price He paid to tear down the wall between you and God - His brutal death on the cross to pay the death penalty for your sins. Now He waits to forgive you; to be the one constant in your life and your eternity - no matter what changes.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The "Next to Daddy" Difference - #4953
David snuggled with his Heavenly Father and he was able to relax. You can, too. You can taste the Lord and His goodness in dark times more than any other time. And your panic is slowly replaced by His presence. That can happen to you, even with that medical uncertainty, that job uncertainty, with losing someone you love, with your fear of failing. You may have a future full of question marks; a present that's full of pressures and dangers. But you may have lost your focus because you've been concentrating on the mountain rather than on the mountain mover!
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Standing Out in the Cold - #4961
You can just outright reject Jesus. You can ignore Jesus, pushing Him to the margins for other pursuits. You can postpone Jesus - you'll get around to Him someday. You can agree with Jesus - believing everything you've been told about Him. Or you can commit yourself completely to Jesus. Four of those five responses end the same place - out in the cold, now and forever. Only one leads to heaven: giving yourself to Jesus.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The High Price of Hurrying - #4962
When you commit your way to the Lord, when you're really trusting in Him, you are also submitting yourself to His timing - which almost always means waiting patiently.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Princess Unaware - #4971
Now God is "the Lord Almighty," the king of all kings. That's what the Bible says. And God says that if you're a woman in His family, you're His daughter. And what do they call the daughter of a king? Princess!
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Dark and Lonely Stretches - #4980
How do you know you can count on Jesus for every stretch of the road? Our word for today from the Word of God in Romans 8:39, "Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." That's your ironclad promise from the one who's never broken a promise.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Purpose-Driven Day - #4983
Each day, give each member of your family all of you, even if it's only for a short time. Each day, you pray for God to give you an opportunity to tell someone about your relationship with Jesus. Each day, encourage as many people as you can. Each day, make some progress on your long "to do" list, putting the most important ones first. And each day, at the end, sign off with God, crowning Jesus the Lord of what you didn't get done today.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Replaying Your Performance
Beyond our intrinsic, God-given worth, it's the kind of person we are that matters to God. That's worth much more than the kind of performance we give. We need to be praising people for how generous, how compassionate, how unselfish they are - strengths for which there are no medals, but the strengths that really make a difference in people's lives.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Light for Life's Darkest Valley - #4990
Because of that unshakeable security, because of that unloseable love, our friend Jeanne - like so many I have known - was confident, radiant, and spreading hope until the day she died. In fact, some of her family saw more of that in her than they had even seen before when she was facing death. It's like walking on the threshold of eternity brought out a beauty that blessed every life she touched. Jeanne was the first to tell you that it wasn't about her at all. What we were seeing was her Jesus reflected in her.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When it's More Than You Can Carry - #4998
What will it take for the weight on you to be lifted? You'll have to reverse what you learned from "The Little Engine That Could" and say those liberating words, "I think I can't." That moment of surrender makes you desperate for what God and God alone can do. And desperation is the condition with which God can do the most.