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Stuart McAllister on Just Thinking
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The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Christian failure to communicate effectively with outsiders
Our biggest failure has been to frequently fail to reach unchurched outsiders. Yet this is possible, if only we would do it appropriately. Sheridan Voysey writes: "A fascinating experiment has been taking place in Australian Christian radio. The result is that between 40-70% of the audience listening to these stations have no connection with church...

Evangelism in the Digital Age: new book by Dan Henrich for Majority World
Just published – a new book by mediastrategist Dan Henrich: Evangelism in the Digital Age: Media Case Studies (Volume 1). The book is a series of case study reports on various film, radio, web and mobile phone initiatives in Africa, S America and Asia in the last few years.

Revive Our Hearts: Always Thankful
Thanksgiving. The word brings up images of family gathered around a table, ready to dig into turkey and pumpkin pie. But the real test of thankfulness comes under much more difficult circumstances. Learn about being grateful no matter what.

Available for Christian radio: interviewees talking about digital evangelism
The potential for online evangelism is incredible, and we are eager to share more about it. We have a panel of speakers, available for radio interview, who can cover a wide range of subjects within the field of online and mobile evangelism. They are also available for interview by print or web editors, who are writing articles on these topics.

Write a church press release - get free publicity for church news or Christian groups
Wouldn’t you love to have free advertising for your next event that doesn’t look like advertising? Well, that’s what a well-written press release can provide. Of course, the key here is “well-written”. Many people send out press releases only to have them discarded by the local media. This isn’t because the editor didn’t like the organization or didn’t want to print the release. Rather it was because in order to fix the release enough for publication would just take too much time. Radio
Encouragement 24 hours a day. Praise and worship music, daily Scripture, Mission Network News, audio books, Bible audio, and more.

Words of Hope - Radio Program: How to Succeed in Life
How to Succeed in Life by Rev. David Bast from the series "What Love is Like (1 Corinthians 13)" Everyone wants to succeed in life. But how can you tell if you have really been successful?

Words to Live By
Words To Live By, representing the life-changing impact a personal relationship with Jesus Christ provides, and the hope, encouragement, and direction found in God's Word.

Discover the Word
Discover the Word is designed to involve you in insightful conversations about biblically based subjects that relate to you. Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews joined Mart De Haan, work through Bible passages to find direction for daily living.

Lausanne World Pulse - Border Station in Guatemala Reaching Mexicans with Christ’s Love
Radio Impacto, a small, 1,000-watt FM Christian radio station in La Mesilla, Guatemala, is also planting churches.

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” -Isaiah 55:8-9 Listen to chapter

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