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People always wanted electronic connection, even in 1969
Social media, in its widest sense, goes back beyond the beginning of the Internet, as this infographic explains. It is not a passing digital fad. People have always wanted the opportunity to interact electronically. Social media is perhaps the defining communication movement of this century, and highly significant for sharing the good news – if done appropriately.

Email lists can still be very effective
Email remains the best way of maintaining contact with an opted-in list of friends or supporters. Facebook, Twitter and other social media area great at building relationships, finding new contacts, and enhancing your profile among your affinity group or community. But to ensure a specific message reaches people who have asked to hear it, an email list remains the best way in most circumstances.

The Pregnant Pause - #6767
God has started His greater good, but right now it's just shaking up your world. Oh, He'll explain it. He'll fulfill it in the future. But now, in between, obey before you understand - like a boy jumping off a sled before his Dad told him why. Joseph discovered that the apparent disaster is actually clearing the way for a mighty work of God. You've just got to obey in the meantime.

A Heroic Ambassador - #6734
For a Jesus-ambassador, that message is clear. 1 Corinthians 2:2 - "Nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Uncluttered by politics, my church, or my religion, personal hobby-horses, culture issues, or lifestyle attacks. Just Jesus and His cross. A message so eternally important that it needs to be delivered, not in my churchy "Christianese" language, but in the non-religious language of the people that I'm there to reach.

Remove Your Mask Before You Enter - #6733
When you come to God honestly, and you admit your need, and you begin your relationship with Him, well you'll enter His presence lost. But you'll leave found, and you will finally know that you belong to Him for real.

You Need a Love Triangle - #6722
Before you get married, wait for someone who is joined to Jesus as you are, because it is worth the wait. And after you marry, practice His presence daily in your home. A love triangle with Jesus as that real third person is the strongest bond on earth.

So What Are You Building? - #6667
Jesus said, "The gates of hell will not wash away what He is building." Don't waste your few years on earth on a building that's not going to last. Jesus is building His church. What are you building?

A Paper Bridge - #6654
Give God a chance to take that relationship and mend it again, using that letter as a beginning, because that relationship's going to be a part of you wherever you go.

Whatever-It-Takes Love - #6634
It may have looked like Roman soldiers were taking Jesus' life, but He said He was giving His life to pay for all the sinning you and I have ever done. He is the Son of God. No one can take His life. He gave it for you.

Making New Memories - #6616
You can't base a relationship with Christ on a scrapbook, no matter how impressive the past is. You can't just let the old missions satisfy you. You need some new experiences with Jesus. You need to be part of some new exploits for the King, places where you experience Christ's lordship in things that matter to you now.