Answers to tough questions about family relationships
How can your help your children cope with a divorce? How should I confront bad behavior in my...
Mindy Meier on Sex and Dating
Just in time for Valentine's Day, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has an interview with Mindy...
Give thanks for dad!
It's Father's Day—a special day set aside for showing some appreciation for good ol' dad....
Looking for (Biblically sound) love on Valentine's Day
As trivial as it might seem compared to "real" holidays like Christmas and Easter, Valentine's...
Is God a matchmaker?
Does God have a particular person chosen to be your spouse?
This idea has been used for years...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
You Got Mail...For Thanksgiving - #6488
We're pretty good at thinking of things we don't like about someone. But something good happens in your heart when you make yourself sit down and you start writing about that person's strengths, and their contributions to your life, to others' lives. And something good happens in their life when they get your gratitude in a letter. You are indeed building them up.
True Woman: How to Live with, and Love, Your Mother-In-Law
I once heard someone say that the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most fragile of all human relationships.
True Woman: How to Live with, and Love, Your Daughter-In-Law
Ruth and Naomi faced difficult circumstances and yet they loved each other well, respected each other, and were blessed because they decided that God’s standards for relationships applied to the way they treated each other.
True Woman: Yesterday's Conversation
How would you grade your conversation from yesterday? Were your words healing, or did they cause someone to stumble?
True Woman: Why Not Pursue Him?
Call me crazy, but I do not believe in pursuing guys. That's right. I have given God control of my love life, and today and tomorrow, I want to tell you why.
Poison in Pretty Packages - #6326
That sin that looks so good on the package; it will take over your personality, your body, your relationships, your dignity, and your worth. It's poison! No matter how inexpensive sin seems to be, it will actually end up costing you everything.
How to share the Christian good news on Facebook with video clips
Christian media producer CVC is exploiting the exponential growth of social media and online video. Their new website offers Christians a categorised range of third-party evangelistic video clips. Here at last is a one-stop source of approved conversation-starting video clips we can easily share on Facebook (or other social media), embed in a blog, or download to a smartphone to share one-to-one.
True Woman: Loving Those Relatives!
I always said that if Linda had been different, we could have been the best of friends. But she always seemed to have a wall up, and to keep me at arm’s length.
Paved-Over Problems - #6209
The things you've tried to bury are like ticking time bombs or toxic waste dumps. The longer you wait to deal with them, the bigger and deeper they will grow. Peace at any price usually means just war postponed...and bigger than it would have been if you had dealt with it sooner.
True Woman Blog: When prayer meetings aren't enough
If we are praying for revival, while failing to deal with those things in our hearts, lives, and relationships that are standing between us and the Lord, then we are wasting our breath.