Answers to tough questions about family relationships
How can your help your children cope with a divorce? How should I confront bad behavior in my...
Mindy Meier on Sex and Dating
Just in time for Valentine's Day, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has an interview with Mindy...
Give thanks for dad!
It's Father's Day—a special day set aside for showing some appreciation for good ol' dad....
Looking for (Biblically sound) love on Valentine's Day
As trivial as it might seem compared to "real" holidays like Christmas and Easter, Valentine's...
Is God a matchmaker?
Does God have a particular person chosen to be your spouse?
This idea has been used for years...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Ms. Understood: Jen Hatmaker
Ms. Understood
Rebuilding the Feminine Equation
Who God Says You Are?
Five women named in Jesus' lineage to help define a daughter of Christ.
Trusting God Discussion Guide: Jerry Bridges
Trusting God Discussion Guide
Even When Life Hurts
Can We Trust God?
Adversity at different times in our lives. It comes in many forms - sudden pain, traumatic experiences, devastating losses - and we seldom understand what?s happening at the time.
Trusting God: Jerry Bridges
Trusting God
Even When Life Hurts
Why is it easier to obey God than to trust him?
Why is God allowing this? or What have I done wrong?
Transforming Grace Discussion Guide: Jerry Bridges
Transforming Grace Discussion Guide
Living Confidently in God?s Unfailing Love
Naturally drift into patterns of working hard for God?s approval.
Tired of the performance treadmill?
Transforming Grace: Jerry Bridges
Transforming Grace
Living Confidently in God?s Unfailing Love
Base our relationship with Him on our performance rather than on His grace.
Transforming Grace is a fountainhead of inspiration and renewal.
The Whole Life Adoption Book: Jayne E. Schooler and Thomas C. Atwood
The Whole Life Adoption Book
Realistic Advice for Building a Healthy Adoptive Family
Recommended by the National Council for Adoption, this powerful book addresses the needs and concerns facing adoptive parents, offering encouragement for the journey ahead.
Miss Match: Erynn Mangum
Miss Match
A Lauren Holbrook Novel
Will Lauren finally decide that God's plan is always good enough?
Match Point: Erynn Mangum
Match Point
A Lauren Holbrook Novel
Revenge should be as sweet as a mocha latte.
Receiving end of the matchmaking.
Lauren realizes she's in love.
The topic of Love and Relationships is a very hot topic on the Internet and in many of our churches these days. There is much misinformation at best and blatant heresy at worst. Therefore, we are going to devote this study to help
Ask Me Anything 2: J. Budziszewski
Ask Me Anything 2
More Provocative Answers for College Students
Real-life issues, from love and sex to hell and roommates
The professor tackles hot topics that hit hard in college, like faith and reasoning