Answers to tough questions about family relationships
How can your help your children cope with a divorce? How should I confront bad behavior in my...
Mindy Meier on Sex and Dating
Just in time for Valentine's Day, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has an interview with Mindy...
Give thanks for dad!
It's Father's Day—a special day set aside for showing some appreciation for good ol' dad....
Looking for (Biblically sound) love on Valentine's Day
As trivial as it might seem compared to "real" holidays like Christmas and Easter, Valentine's...
Is God a matchmaker?
Does God have a particular person chosen to be your spouse?
This idea has been used for years...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Harsh Pink: Melody Carlson
Harsh Pink
Color Me Burned
Fit in at her new high school.
Knuckle Sandwich: Adam Palmer
Knuckle Sandwich
Sometimes Rock 'n' Roll Hits Back
This is the break the band has been hoping for, but can they survive the temptation and distraction of life in the spotlight?
Born to rock.
The Lost Virtue of Happiness: J.P. Moreland and Klaus Issler
The Lost Virtue of Happiness
Discovering the Disciplines of the Good Life
Even in an age of instant gratification, life's best takes time and effort.
What is happiness?
PRAYzing!: Daniel Henderson
Creative Prayer Experiences from A to Z
Pray to God effectively
Worship God in Prayer and Song
Dangerous Faith: Joel Vestal
Dangerous Faith
Growing in God and Service to the World
Worship. Prayer. Simplicity. Compassion. Justice.
The End of Religion: Bruxy Cavey
The End of Religion.
Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus.
Jesus, a Radical who Never Intended to Found a New Religion.
The Year I Got Everything I Wanted: Cameron Conant
The Year I Got Everything I Wanted.
A Spiritual Crisis.
A painful divorce, he might one day be happy again.
Respectable Sins: Jerry Bridges
Confronting the Sins We Tolerate.
Are there acceptable Sins.
Examining Yourself.
How to Ruin Your Dating Life: Matthew Paul Turner and Kerri Pomarolli
How to Ruin Your Dating Life
Dysfunction? Christian dating? The two shouldn’t go together, but they often do.
My Beautiful Disaster: Michelle Buckman
My Beautiful Disaster
A Novel
Relationship and pregnancy, what is a girl to do