Answers to tough questions about family relationships
How can your help your children cope with a divorce? How should I confront bad behavior in my...
Mindy Meier on Sex and Dating
Just in time for Valentine's Day, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has an interview with Mindy...
Give thanks for dad!
It's Father's Day—a special day set aside for showing some appreciation for good ol' dad....
Looking for (Biblically sound) love on Valentine's Day
As trivial as it might seem compared to "real" holidays like Christmas and Easter, Valentine's...
Is God a matchmaker?
Does God have a particular person chosen to be your spouse?
This idea has been used for years...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Different Ways of Deceiving
Flattery and exaggeration don't seem harmful, but God desires truth in our innermost parts. These questions will help you to examine ten important areas in your life and relationships.
Revive Our Hearts: The Power of Relationships
Relationships with family, friends, and those around us can bring much joy, but they also can cause pain and frustration. In this series, Nancy examines Ecclesiastes 4 to show us God's prescription for godly, healthy relationships.
Evangelism by building relationships and befriending: the evangelism method Jesus used
Web Evangelism, indeed any form of outreach, should not primarily be 'cut and run' – the hope that a quick exposure to an evangelistic page, tract, or some other message is likely to communicate effectively on its own. Fruit from web evangelism does not usually happen this way. “Non-relational evangelism is a contradiction,” says Southern Baptist communicator Ed Stetzer.
Does New Moon paint an unhealthy picture of love?
Do you worry that Twilight’s young fans will take away a misguided lesson about love? Or do you think these critics are over-thinking things, and that we should instead be grateful that Bella and Edward’s relationship isn’t reduced to gratuitous sex (a rarity for a cinematic romance these days)?
How do you respond to the “black sheep” in your family?
This question is a bit different from others we've asked, but I think it’s appropriate with the looming approach of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and those epic family get-togethers that characterize the holidays: how do you deal with the “black sheep” in your family?
Your "No Vacancy" Sign - #5959
Don't make your child, your husband or your wife feel shut out of your life by your invisible but very real "no vacancy" sign. Just always have room for them even if it means sacrifice. People who know they're loved and important and listened to don't have to start looking somewhere else for what you didn't give them - somewhere that could scar their life and break your heart.
Porn and Shallow Relationships on the Very Small Screen
How have you seen smart device usage affect your relationships? Have you seen positive change come about in any of your relationships because of technologies like the iPhone or Blackberry?
Blooming Too Soon - #3612
Whether it's a relationship, or finances, or a ministry goal, or getting justice, or meeting a need - wherever you're tempted to try to make it happen - don't. Just remember those blossoms whose instincts told them it was time when it wasn't. If it's blooming too soon, it probably won't make it. But in God's time - which is probably later than yours - in His time, it will be beautiful.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - How To Be Unforgettable - #8299 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Don’t you just love to get telemarketing calls? Not! Millions of people have put themselves on a “do not call” list because we just don’t like having our lives encumbered with people who have only one interest–you’re a customer and they’ve got something to sell.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Power of a Father's Smile - #8295 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It was that time of the year when the grass grew so fast, it seemed like our lawn needed to be mowed like every other day. My then five-year-old son was following me, clipping around the rocks, and I smiled at him and kept mowing. He came up to me and he said, “Daddy, could you do that again please?” I said, “Do what?” He said, “Could you please smile at me again. It’s your smile that keeps me going.”