Answers to tough questions about family relationships
How can your help your children cope with a divorce? How should I confront bad behavior in my...
Mindy Meier on Sex and Dating
Just in time for Valentine's Day, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has an interview with Mindy...
Give thanks for dad!
It's Father's Day—a special day set aside for showing some appreciation for good ol' dad....
Looking for (Biblically sound) love on Valentine's Day
As trivial as it might seem compared to "real" holidays like Christmas and Easter, Valentine's...
Is God a matchmaker?
Does God have a particular person chosen to be your spouse?
This idea has been used for years...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Devotional : Listening To God
Our relationship with Jesus has much in common with our relationships with friends and family. When we demonstrate effort and commitment in our relationships, they flourish. When neglected or abandoned, they suffer and decline. As with any relationship, listening plays a very important part.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What You Can Do to Be Rescued
Maybe you have been depending on your own goodness, on your family connections, or maybe on the fact that you agree with all the Jesus stuff to get you to heaven. If that's the case, you've got Christ in your head, but you don't have Him in your heart.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Nice Ways to Miss God
Maybe you've found your spiritual experience in creation—in the mountains, the ocean, or the universe. That's good, but that's not God.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Most Important Relationship
There have been many important moments of your life, some in which you've had to make a decision about a relationship. Have you decided on the most important relationship of all? ... Jesus Christ calls for you to have a relationship definition time with Him.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Unloseable
Do you feel like your world is torn apart, with every person who ever loved you gone? Maybe you’re looking for someone who could never leave you. There is one unloseable relationship that will change your life forever.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Unsinkable Myth
The Titanic went out on its first voyage as the unsinkable ship. No one knew how much danger they were in until it was too late. ... Many died that night because of their pride, and human arrogance sinks more than ships. Pride has also cost many people their eternity. The Word of God in Matthew 18:2 says, "He (Jesus) called a little child and had him stand among them and He said 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'"
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Missing the Way Out
You can see where people would turn back because of the smoke in between them and safety. Tragically, that was a fatal choice. It's a mistake that far too many people have made spiritually—going the wrong way because of all the smoke between them and Jesus. It could be that even you have been holding back from what Jesus offers because of the spiritual "smoke" that has kept you from moving His direction.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fatal Family Resemblances
There can be many family resemblances, whether it's hair, height, face, or even health problems. There are some family resemblances that are less obvious and much more damaging. ... They damage our marriage, kids, close relationships, future, and our self-worth. We pick up from our parents ways of talking and acting that we didn't like in them. Suddenly we hear ourselves sounding like mom or dad and treating others as our parents did. We react, communicate, and live as they did in ways we never meant to repeat. Of course, our children will have to go through the same pain unless something changes.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Lessons That Shape Your Child's Life
Children learn what they live, for better or for worse. It's ultimately what our children live that makes them into the people they become. God doesn't give a human being any greater trust or any greater responsibility than the shaping of a person He made in His image. Our children are, as one author described them, "wet cement." What they experience with us day after day is writing things in that cement that will mark their lives long after we're gone.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Superman is Breakable
Half of the human race has been raised to believe that they need to be Superman. The world thinks guys have it together, we feel no pain, and we've got it under control. As a man, you know there's a "real you" behind the mask. ... You're a wounded warrior, bleeding a lot on the inside, or maybe a scared little boy inside underneath a mask of macho confidence. The truth is you don't have it all under control. Superman, in reality, is breakable.