Are Christianity and Hinduism compatible?
Are the teachings of Jesus and Krishna compatible? The teachings of Krishna and Hinduism are...
More resources about Islam and Christianity
Yesterday we pointed out a number of resources to help Christians learn more about Islam. Today...
GetReligion turns 5!
It's a major accomplishment to have been doing anything on the internet for five years, and even...
Filling in the Faith Form on Facebook
If I were to go to your Facebook page, what would I see listed under "Religious Views"?...
Should Christians attend non-Christian worship services?
Is it appropriate for Christians to attend worship services for a different religion?
I think...
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Social and religious trends in UK reflect those in the rest of the West
Research in UK by Christian thinktank Theos shows big big changes in religious belief: one in five believes in astrology or horoscopes, one in ten in Tarot or fortune telling and nearly three in ten people believe in reincarnation. These are much higher figures than similar research carried out in 1950 by Gallup. Although not included in the survey, ‘karma’ is also a very common belief here in UK.
What this surely demonstrates is that a large percentage of the UK population (and doubtless similar populations elsewhere in the West) are effectively believing most of the tenets of Buddhism though they would be mostly unaware that they are doing so.
Other religions - the comparative differences between Christianity and other faiths
We need to understand the big differences between biblical Christianity and every other religion (including apparently ‘Christian’ cults)
The Illusion of Safety - #6094
The God you will face one day has told us bluntly that all our goodness will not make us right with Him. Then He explains what will. "Righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
Tiger's Troubles
I was struck by Tiger's admission this week that the problems aren't just physical. He said, "There are a lot of things going on in my life. I'm just trying to get everything in a harmonious spot, and that's not easy to do." It's easy to throw stones at Tiger. What he needs is our prayers.
The Open Door On the Storm Cellar - #6073
We must be God's welcoming representatives, providing one place where anyone and everyone can feel safe in this storm-ravaged world. We are the open door through which people can find the sanctuary of the love of Jesus Christ.
How does Buddhism differ from Christianity?
How much do you know about what Buddhists believe? Do you know how the claims of Buddhism compare and contrast with Christianity's?
How much should we learn about other religions?
One fascinating facet of humanity is how many different religions we have. And for every religion there are people who are sincerely convinced that it’s the truth. How much should Christians learn about other religions?
Do all religions lead to the same God?
Do you think that all religions lead to the same God—and if not, how would you answer somebody who asked you why not?
Should Christians work alongside other religions toward common goals?
If Christianity, Islam, and many other religions call for their followers to help the poor or do good works within society, does it make sense for Christians to team up with followers of other religions to perform those good works? Is it possible (or a good idea) to jointly pursue such common purposes even if you have very different theological goals?
Religion in the Bible: James 1:27
God doesn't like what we normally associate with religion: rituals, ceremonies, and services. What he wants is for us to act with kindness and service to those who need it most. If you're doing that, you're practicing the one "religion" that God approves of.