Are Christianity and Hinduism compatible?
Are the teachings of Jesus and Krishna compatible? The teachings of Krishna and Hinduism are...
More resources about Islam and Christianity
Yesterday we pointed out a number of resources to help Christians learn more about Islam. Today...
GetReligion turns 5!
It's a major accomplishment to have been doing anything on the internet for five years, and even...
Filling in the Faith Form on Facebook
If I were to go to your Facebook page, what would I see listed under "Religious Views"?...
Should Christians attend non-Christian worship services?
Is it appropriate for Christians to attend worship services for a different religion?
I think...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
LWP-New Religions, Subjective Life Spiritualities, Challenge to Missions in Post-Christian
One of the greatest challenges the Church faces in the modern Western context is the general turn away from interest in and involvement with institutionalized forms of religion, such as Christianity, and the corresponding move toward an inward and subjective expression of spirituality.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Churches, Christians and Other Hang-ups - #5295
I have to be brutally honest with you about this Christian thing. A lot of people really don't like our commercials. The advertisements for Jesus are the people who claim to follow Him - like me; the churches and organizations that claim to operate in His name.
Between Two Worlds: Mike Timmis, Chairman Prison Fellowship with Harold Fickett
Between Two Worlds
The Spiritual Journey of an Evangelical Catholic
Cultural Illusions in the Christian School
Talk addressing various assumptions in Christian culture, particularly Christian schools, that mimic an unbelieving world, including concepts of faith and truth.
GetReligion » “The press . . . just doesn’t get religion.” — William Schneider
Homepage for GetReligion, a blog about media coverage of religion.
10 Reasons To Believe - In The Christian Faith
In a world filled with belief systems making religious claims, how can you know what to believe? How can you know who to follow? How can we say that Christianity is true but other religions are not?
10 Reasons To Believe In Christ Rather Than Religion
Religious activity has been viewed as everything from a stairway to heaven to a salve for a person’s conscience. But, what is religion... and is it enough?
Matthew 7:13-20 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The Way is Narrow! We live in an age where all ways and religions are accepted as equally valid and good. We are told that we are narrow minded and bigoted if we suggest anything else. However, political correctness aside, there is only One Way...
How to Be a Christian Without Being Religious
How to be a Christ-follower without the trappings and hypocrisy of "religion."
What a Good Church Can Do For You
Why being part of a good church is an important part of life.