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Today's Devotional: Deserving of Rescue
What if a lifeguard let someone drown because they jumped into the deep end before they knew how...

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Flash Gordon Rescues - #6827
You've been to the edge of desperation, but remember the Lord rescued you out of them all. Maybe you're in a perilous or a painful place again. This time it looks like there is no way out of this, Flash, but then it's looked like that before at the end of other episodes and you're still here. Get some perspective. Stand back. Remember a lifetime of the Lord's rescues.

Slamming the Window On a Refreshing Wind - #6816
Be open to that new wind of the Holy Spirit. "Forget the old things" He says, "and open up to the streams that He wants to make in the desert." Is the Spirit trying to blow through your life, your church, your organization with a bold, new breeze? Well, don't slam the window!

Heroes On the Beach - #6803
Maybe all your friends are Christian friends. Maybe all your free time is spent in Christian places, and yet you are surrounded by people whose lives are breaking apart like those ships long ago, who will die without Christ; who will spend eternity without Christ unless there is a Rescuer. And they won't come to the Life-Saving Station. You have to go where they are and bring them back like Jesus did.

Mayor in the Flames - #6681
Spiritual rescue is possible because of the love of one Man - Jesus. Who didn't just risk His life for you and me; He gave His life. And He stands ready to rescue you from a spiritual death penalty you can't escape any other way.

Hard Rescues - #6640
Don't force God to escalate His rescue efforts. There's no peace, there's no rest, there's no fulfillment until you collapse into His arms. Let Him carry you safely home. Don't be a hard rescue!

Delegated Life Saving - #6628
Would you begin right now to pray by name for that person you care about? Pray specifically for an opening where you can extend some spiritual CPR on the spot. Say, "Lord, I know it is not up to some evangelist. It's not up to the church. It's not up to getting a Christian book in their hands. It's up to me in my body, my flesh, my life, to share what Christ has done."

Hurricane Heroes - #6599
How much longer can we, as His Church, just keep waiting for the dying people to come to us? They're not. We have to take the life-saving Gospel of Jesus outside the walls of the life-saving station; to the street, to the office, to the plant, to the campus, the neighborhood, our service club, that nursing home, take it to the jail, take it to the gym. How can we be content any longer to sit inside our stained glass cocoon while just outside so many are dying in the storm?

Outrageous - #6548
God is not deaf to the shattered lives; the anguished cries of a world that sin has devastated. God says today as He said to Moses in Exodus, "I have heard them crying out...I am concerned about their suffering...So I have come down to rescue them." Oh good! God's going to do something about all this hurt and lostness. Yes He is, and He has a plan. Listen to the next verse, "So, now, go. I am sending you" (Exodus 3:7-10 ).

It's Past Halftime!
This is no time to settle for being on the sidelines or in the stands. Or hiding out in a holy huddle. For heading for the locker room or sitting on the ball. This game is too big to forfeit. Too costly to lose.

Breaking Rules, Saving Lives - #6525
Rescuing? It always means risking, including the misunderstanding, the criticism of people who love the "rules" but aren't reaching the lost. Jesus knows about that. Remember? Yeah, He made the "rules people" very uncomfortable. So they crucified Him, and we were saved.