Today's Devotional: Deserving of Rescue
What if a lifeguard let someone drown because they jumped into the deep end before they knew how...
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Within My Reach - #6519
We can't just wait for that "professional rescuer" or "someone who has the gift of evangelism" to attempt the rescue. The rescue responsibility rests with the believer who is there. There's nothing random about where we work or where we live or recreate or go to school. You've been divinely positioned to be God's designated "lifeguard" for your stretch of beach.
What I Found Hiding in the Christmas Story - #6511
The Great Commission of Jesus came with His birth. It was His final word before He left. Whatever the years before have been, let's let 2012 be, as never before, the "Year of our Lord" 2012. The year each of us fulfills our destiny, fulfills our Lord's orders to make sure the News about Jesus gets to "all the people" we know.
The Christmas Invitation - #6506
This Christmas season - the time that we celebrate His coming to earth, and He came to rescue you - what a great time to give Him what He came for - to give Him you today.
Big Wings - #6487
Who knows how many times I have been rescued from danger I never even knew by "the man with big wings." The few I do know are just the tip of the iceberg of the countless times God has kept His rescue promise. The little song our kids sang before they went to sleep each night says it all: "Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hands."
A Rescue Mission - #6484
God often uses the wandering of loved ones to actually make us re-examine our own lives. And the good news, if you're willing to mobilize all your resources, well, listen to what happened here. It says, "Abram recovered all the goods and brought back his relative." Fight for that loved one of yours with everything you've got, and God will bring them home.
Facing the Flame - #6480
Could it be that we've gotten so busy and even so involved in accumulating blessing at our church, at our conferences, and our Bible studies that we have walked right by the people who are facing the flames? You know, we're all called to rescue them.
Watching Him Drown - #6465
I know that Jesus jumped in to rescue me at the cost of His life. How can I, then, stay on the shore any longer and watch people I know slip away without Him; without a chance to live forever? And I am their chance.
The Unquenchable Thirst for Freedom - #6352
The day I told Jesus, "I'm Yours," that was the day that this sin-slave went free. Because there's no feeling like the day you know you're finally free. For me, for millions, that was the day that we welcomed the Liberator, who paid the price so we would never have to.
Life-Giving Love - #6312
It really matters to God what you do with His Son, after the sacrifice His Son made for you. Don't miss this chance to belong to Him.
When the Quarterback's A Referee! - #6255
No spiritual leader should spend his time as a referee. There's too much ground to gain, and he's God's quarterback. And no team that wears Jesus' colors should waste their time in struggles with each other. We have a Savior to follow together and a sea of dying people around us to rescue. Let's fight for them and not with each other!