Today's Devotional: Deserving of Rescue
What if a lifeguard let someone drown because they jumped into the deep end before they knew how...
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Jesus Where You Live - #6234
When you're all wrapped up in yourself and your needs, your hands will always be full of your stuff. But when you step up to serve Jesus each day, to continue His work in your world, then your hands will be giving away what He has to give because what He started, He's left with us to carry on. In so many lives you know, Christ has no hands but your hands.
Being Someone's Miracle - #6210
No life-changing miracle can happen unless someone cares enough about him to get him to Jesus. You know people like that, and you've been placed in their life to be God's designated bringer. It starts when you ask God for the passion of those four, through-the-roof friends, "I've got to get him to Jesus whatever it takes."
The Deadliest Day in the World - #6176
Our sins have earned us the eternal death penalty the Bible calls hell. A hell which could be cancelled only one way. It took the Son of God Himself taking your hell; taking your punishment for you. You did the sinning, but Jesus did the dying. When a rescuer extends his hand to you in a burning or collapsed building, you don't wait to grab it. Your chance to live is now.
Everyday Stuff, Never Everyday Again - #6170
When you go where you go each day to do what you do, you go on an eternal rescue mission! Jesus put you there so you can take some of those people to heaven with you. Every day, you're there to show by your life the difference that Jesus makes and to capture every God-given opportunity to tell them how they can belong to Him. And suddenly your everyday takes on eternal significance.
Trapped Where You Don't Want To Be - #6152
Sin's power could only be broken by a sacrifice that was even more powerful - the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. He gave His life there to pay for my sin and to break its hold on me...and on you. Three days later, He demonstrated His supreme power by walking out of His grave. Death could not hold Him, and now He stands ready to walk into your life with all that love and all that power.
Churches, Christians and Other Hang-ups - #6149
Don't let bad commercials make you miss the product - the only man who loved you enough to die for every sin you've ever committed. The only man who was willing and able to go through our hell so we could have heaven. The only man in history powerful enough to beat death by walking out of His grave under His own power. The hypocrites, the poor examples, the mistakes Christians make; none of those have a thing to do with where you'll spend eternity. It's all about and forever.
The Most Tragic Choice - #6143
God asks this sobering question in Hebrews 2:3, our word for today from the Word of God, "How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?" That's how most people miss heaven. They don't out-and-out reject what Jesus did. They just ignore His rescue; either not caring or mistakenly thinking that they'll make it out somehow. They won't. Only Jesus can save you.
Fatal Refusal - #6136
God doesn't send anyone to hell. We send ourselves by refusing to get in the Lifeboat He provided at the cost of His life. It's a mistake I beg you not to make. You may have accomplished a lot in your life. You may be religious and respected. You may have done just about everything by yourself, but there's no way you can get your sins forgiven by yourself. No way you can remove what will keep you out of heaven. Only Jesus can do that.
What You Can't See Really Can Hurt You - #6135
The devil wants you in hell with him forever. So he's blinded you. He blinds us with pride. We're too proud to admit we need a Savior instead of making it on our own. Satan blinds us with religion, so we think that a religion about Jesus will get us to heaven. It won't - it can't. Sometimes the devil blinds us with other Christians who have represented Jesus poorly. But Jesus is the issue, not Christians.
The Surprising End of a Long Search - #6132
the God who puts us here is what we've been looking for. We were made for a love relationship with Him. But, according to the Bible, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 ). We were created for God, but we've lived for ourselves. And we've lost Him, and thus the hole in our heart. That restlessness - that lack of peace and fulfillment - that's an echo of another world; the constant reminder that God is missing.