Today's Devotional: Deserving of Rescue
What if a lifeguard let someone drown because they jumped into the deep end before they knew how...
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The Only Way to Heal Your Heart - #6076
The greatest tragedy I can imagine is that you would miss what Jesus spent so much to give you, by depending on your religion or your goodness to get your sins forgiven. If there was any other way for you to have your sin forgiven, believe me, Jesus would not have paid the price He paid. You could miss it all by ignoring Him or just continually putting Him off, or by knowing a lot about Him but not knowing Him.
Free From the Chains of a Lifetime - #6066
You can't go free unless you drop what has chained you and you embrace Jesus, the Liberator who paid for you with His life. For many a slave, the Ohio River was the freedom line. For you, the freedom line runs by the cross of Jesus Christ. No religion can set you free. Only the Rescuer from heaven can do that, because only He died to make it possible. He's reaching for you today.
Full Speed Ahead in the Wrong Direction - #6059
Every day that you ignore God's attempts to stop you or redirect you is another day wasted outside the will of God. No matter how noble your goal, it is a sin to keep pursuing it if God doesn't want you to. For any of us who are driving full speed ahead in any direction, we need to make sure on a daily basis that we are, in fact, driving in the direction that God wants us to go. Life is just too short to waste one more day driving in a direction that God doesn't want us to go.
The Difference Between List and Death - #6041
Today, the nail-pierced hand of heaven's Rescuer is reaching for you. The nail prints are there because He had to die so you could live; taking the penalty for your sin on that awful cross. And this day, you have to make your choice about Him. How do you grab His hand? You say, "Jesus, I've done it my way long enough. You died for my sin. I am Yours." In that moment, you're saved, you're rescued, and you're safe.
Driving Hard On the Wrong Road - #6037
The Bible reveals that many people are driving on a road they think will get them to God and that will get them heaven, but there's no way it's going to get them home. However sincere they may be in believing they're on the right road, they are, in God's eyes, totally lost.
When Your Life Is Drifting - #6034
"Drifting" may be a word that describes a little of how you feel about your life right now. You can be successful but not satisfied. You can be winning but still wondering what your life is all about.
How Nice People Miss Heaven - #6031
Jesus died to cancel from God's records every sin of every day of your life; erased by the blood He shed for those sins.
The Proof You Are Loved - #6026
I can't think of a greater tragedy, a greater mistake for you to make, than for you to miss what Jesus gave His life for you to have - for you to end up paying the eternal price that Jesus already paid for you. How does that happen? If you don't reach out and take by faith what He died to give you.
Missing Those You Love - #6020
There are very few sadnesses deeper in life than standing by the casket of someone you could have told about Christ - you should have told about Christ - but you didn't. We can't have any of those opportunities back, but we do have the friends and neighbors and coworkers and loved ones who are still with us. And we still have time to tell them, but no one knows how much time.
When the Passion Becomes Personal - #6012
Barabbas found himself looking up into the eyes of that man on the middle cross and saying aloud, "You don't deserve to be there, Jesus. I do. But because You're dying there, I don't have to die." I could walk up to the cross where Jesus died and say that, and so could you.