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Common grammar errors to avoid in your writing: infographic and useful resources
"Oh, no, how did I miss that?" Unfortunately, in the eyes of many people, that grammatical error will rob your piece of writing of credibility.


Principles of effective clear writing for web writers. Plus infographic
Bad grammar and spelling are key factors that rob a website or blog of credibility (see infographic below). So says Professor Fogg, author of Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do in the Stanford Credibility Project where you can read chapters 6-7 of his book. Web writing must also...


A Christian writers guide to writing, revising, checking and editing literature
Checking, editing and rewriting is an essential part of the writing process. In fact, it should take much longer than the writing of the first draft version. It is also very important to shorten pages and cut out all unnecessary words. Less is more.
