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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Hit Hard But Bouncing Back - #8227 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and I decided I want to be like Mr. Cedar Tree. Well, in a word—resilient. No matter how hard the hit, no matter how heavy the load, resilience is the ability to bounce back.

Surrounded by Precious - #5880
Every man or woman in our world was made in the image of Almighty God Himself. Every man and woman in our world is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and is, in the Bible's words, "God's workmanship." Our subtle racism, or prejudice, or feelings of superiority are nothing less than sin to a holy God who "so loved the world that He gave His Son."

Today's Battles, Yesterday's Weapons - #5874
If we insist on fighting today's battle for the lost with what worked yesterday, we'll keep on reaching who we've already been reaching, while most of the spiritually dying people around us live and die without God and without hope. We can't lose them because we insist on doing what we've always done, sticking to what we're comfortable with. The eternity of people all around us is at stake; this is a battle that is too costly to lose.

The Healing Edge - #5846
God's "more grace than there is sin" equation means that there is no one in your life who is beyond God's grace. So keep praying for them; keep loving them. There is no sin that cannot be prodigal who can't come home. And it is never too late to be forgiven. Just look at the dying thief Jesus forgave on the cross.

Getting All the Cancer - #5836
The cancer of our sin demands radical surgery; the kind that says, "Lord, I want to get it all this time! I'm holding nothing back. Do what You died to do, and set me free from this!" Here's what the bible says that could be applied to that sin that has infected your life for so long, "Sin shall not be your master."

Your Personal Trust Walk - #5822
You may have been battling God over some places He's trying to lead you. That's a battle you cannot win. And it's a blueprint for unnecessary scars and even wasted years. It's time to take His hand and let Him lead you into the very best places you can possibly go. You will have to trust Him; He'll usually only let you know the next step, not the entire road ahead. But that's all you need to know.

Someone Else's Ticket - #5793
Thank God, He's given you another opportunity, this opportunity to take Jesus for yourself, to make Him not just the Savior, but your personal Savior. You may have people all around you who belong to Jesus, and maybe you've been hoping that your relationship with them, even the fact that they think you belong to Jesus will somehow get you into heaven. You can't get in on their ticket. But you can get one of your own today. Jesus paid your way with His life.

The Words That Tear Down Walls - #5787
Maybe you grew up in an environment where people never admitted they were wrong. You may be in a situation where the feelings are hard, the walls are high, and where you've been really wounded. But none of that changes your responsibility as a follower of Jesus Christ to say, "I was wrong" to say, "I'm sorry" when that's the case.

When the Rain Just Won't Stop - #5785
I believe God shapes and allows the circumstances to come into your life that will best develop some quality of Jesus in us. There's nothing greater God could do for you than to plant in you the way Jesus loves people, the way Jesus treats people, the way Jesus is patient with people, the way Jesus understands what a hurting person is going through, and the kind of bondedness Jesus had with His Father.

The Price to Go Free - #5750
You don't have to be in stained glass windows. You don't have to be in a church. God is right there waiting. He's been waiting a long time to hear you say, "Jesus, I'm Yours." He's alive today because He walked out of His grave after He died for you.