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Into Thy Word


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Romans 12 and Spiritual Gifts - Into Thy Word Ministries
How to Determine your Spiritual Gift(s)! Did you ever wonder why you are given a gift? A: To build the body!

Definition of Sins! - Into Thy Word Ministries
What is sin and what does it do? The laundry list of sins is found in Romans 1:28-31. The passage starts off with the reason we get into sin, the reprobate mind that chooses to rebel and exchange God’s...

Romans 16: 25-27 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The Benediction; Paul then wraps up his greetings and warnings by praying for the Church, as he extols them to honor God’s glory.

Romans 16:17-24 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Paul wholeheartedly and passionately warns that divisions will destroy the church! The Romans were a people who liked order above all else.

Romans 16:1-16 - Into Thy Word Ministries
This passage in Romans is often just glanced over. You may never see a sermon or Bible study on it, because it is seen as just a list of names. But, is that all it is?

Romans 15:14-33 - Into Thy Word Ministries
We are called to glorify Christ in all that we do! Paul fervently urges the in Roman Christians (and us, too) that when we worship (as a life style as opposed to just a gathering for a service) and are obedient to Christ, we must also demonstrate His love in how we relate to others.

Romans 15:1- 13 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The more experienced and mature Christian is called to walk along side new and less mature Christians to help them grow so they can glorify Christ.

Romans 14: 13b-23 - Into Thy Word Ministries
This passage urges us to pursue peace and harmony and not let the childish and petty things of life divide us.

Romans 14:1-13a - Into Thy Word Ministries
We have to understand that Christians who are new in the faith or who are not mature in the faith will not have a well-grounded understanding of the things we take for granted in Christianity.

Overview of Romans 14 - Into Thy Word Ministries
When you ask someone, “Would you like to be a Christian?” you are in fact saying, “Would you like to be like me?” Therefore, we must be careful in our daily actions, words, and deeds and how we tell someone about the Lord.