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The Audit of a Lifetime - #6378
The Auditor's told us how to take the dread out of the audit. It says, "If we judge ourselves, we would not come under judgment" (1 Corinthians 11:31). Face it now so you don't have to face it then. It's no wonder He's so deeply interested in how we live our life. He's pretty heavily invested with His blood.

The Way Home - #6364
Jesus literally took our hell so we could have His heaven. Then, three days after He died, Jesus walked out of His grave and blew away death! Only the Man who paid for your sins can forgive your sins.

The Bottom Line Question - #6354
Here's the scene: Your hand is tightly closed, and His hand is open saying, "Trust Me with it." Aren't you tired of this battle? Trade in the struggle of resisting Christ for the peace of trusting Christ. Your hands are too shaky to hold something that important.

Young Love, Young Letdown - #6357
for too many, Valentine's Day and anniversaries are just reminders of how disappointing human love has been. Even a great love fails to fill that gaping hole in our heart. It's just too big for any human to fill. The hole in our heart has Jesus' name on it. In the Bible's words we "were created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). And only He has the un-loseable love that will anchor us and complete us.

The Unquenchable Thirst for Freedom - #6352
The day I told Jesus, "I'm Yours," that was the day that this sin-slave went free. Because there's no feeling like the day you know you're finally free. For me, for millions, that was the day that we welcomed the Liberator, who paid the price so we would never have to.

You Can't Make it Go Away - #6333
If you're hoping to pay off sin with some good things you do, and you think that will work at your appointment with God, it's not going to work. The payment has already been made. The only question God will ask you is not, "What did you do with church?" But, "What did you do with My Son who died for you?"

No Amount of Watering - #6319
We're drowning. We can't save ourselves. Our only hope is grabbing the Rescuer, Jesus, holding onto Him like He's our only hope. Grabbing Him is the difference between eternal life and eternal death.

Saturating the Saturated - #6306
Where are the churches who will not just aim their resources at watering God's people, but who will risk their buildings and their reputations, and their budgets, and their lives to build a bridge to their lost community? Not just to be a place to take care of the already rescued, but to be a life saving station for their community.

Play-Doh People - #6289
Oh, it's easy to be seduced by a world where sin is what's normal. Don't let the world squeeze you. Decide that you will be shaped by Jesus. And then become the mold who shapes other people. Play-Doh people are forever changing shape.

The Last Frontier - #6260
If I belong to Jesus Christ, I need to focus the lordship of Christ on my mouth. The cancer of sin has poisoned my daily speech. But as David said, "The Lord can put a new song in my mouth."