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God's Weight Room - #6177
God's your spotter. He won't allow you to have more weight than you can handle right now. He's promised that. But He will give you something heavier than you lifted before, so you can become more powerful in Him than you've ever been before.

Where You Were Born to Be - #6174
Follow God where He's taking you. The alternative - a future filled with the bitter regrets of someone who knows they've missed what they were put here for. Don't settle for anything less than being where you were born to be, and doing what you were born to do.

The Danger of a Drifting Light - #6168
For the sake of the people who are watching your light, you can't afford to drift into negativity, or criticism, or cynicism, or some rebellious attitude. They'll follow you there. If you drift into selfishness, or carelessness about what you look at or listen to. If you drift into gossip, discouragement, compromise, it won't be just you going there. You're affecting other people's course every day. Don't lead them toward the rocks. You've got to hold your position. You're the light!

One Permanent in a World of Temporary - #6166
There's something deep inside us that tells us that we're made for something more than this - for a relationship, and a love that we cannot lose. Many of us have lost a lot trying to find that love; we've given things we can't get back, we've made mistakes that have left scars, all for love.

Hope Within Your Reach - #6156
Church folks refer to Jesus as the Savior. That means rescuer. He's come down the shaft personally to bring you to God. But he had to give His life for you to ever have life. But He didn't stay dead. He walked out of His grave and conquered death forever. And now He's come for you. When that metal cage came down the shaft, every miner had a choice. Get on and live or stay where you are and die. That's exactly the choice that faces every one of us when it comes to God's Rescuer, Jesus.

Trapped Where You Don't Want To Be - #6152
Sin's power could only be broken by a sacrifice that was even more powerful - the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. He gave His life there to pay for my sin and to break its hold on me...and on you. Three days later, He demonstrated His supreme power by walking out of His grave. Death could not hold Him, and now He stands ready to walk into your life with all that love and all that power.

Faith Launching - #6141
Faith isn't just taught - it's caught. And you should be modeling and encouraging bold trust in an all-powerful God. This isn't about your great faith. It's about your great God - a God who deserves nothing less than faith for "great and mighty things we don't know" (Jeremiah 33:3 ).

The Surprising End of a Long Search - #6132
the God who puts us here is what we've been looking for. We were made for a love relationship with Him. But, according to the Bible, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 ). We were created for God, but we've lived for ourselves. And we've lost Him, and thus the hole in our heart. That restlessness - that lack of peace and fulfillment - that's an echo of another world; the constant reminder that God is missing.

No Such Thing As a Secret - #6125
The Bible makes it clear that there is no religion or human goodness that can erase our sins. Amazingly, it was the very God we have rebelled against who reached out to give us a way to belong to Him. A way that cost Him the most precious thing He had - His one and only Son.

The Good News About a Cold Season - #6124
If it's cold right now, if it's dark right now, don't let discouragement win. Don't let bitterness or resentment or resignation ruin the greater plan God is working on. The question to ask in times like these isn't, "Why, God?" You may not have that answer till you get to heaven. The better question is, "How can You use this, God?" He really does " all things together for the good of those who love God" (Romans 8:28 ).