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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - God's Wooden Magnet - #4319
Jesus said in John 12:32, our word for today from the Word of God, "'But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.' He said this to show the kind of death He was going to die." Strip away all the Christianity, and all the rituals, and all the steeples, and all the creeds and you're down to what this is really the issue - the God who hung on the cross. Jesus, God's one and only Son, pouring out His life to absorb all the hell of all the sin of all the people who have ever lived. Including you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Handful of Real Security - #4345
If you're a parent, there is no greater gift you can give your children than an understanding of God's love for them, demonstrated by what happened on that old rugged cross. Don't be satisfied to give them just a religion, rituals or rules. The ultimate issue for every one of us is what we do with what Jesus did on the cross. If you're a parent, a teacher, a children's worker, a youth leader -- make much of the cross.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The God Who Knows Your Name - #4349
I guess that's one of the greatest surprises in our life, isn't it? When it dawns on you that the biggest person there is in the entire universe actually knows your name - and loves you, not as one of six billion inhabitants of Planet Earth, but as if you were the only one on this planet!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Banging The Pan - #4352
When someone needs to wake up, you do whatever it takes to get the job done. Actually, God does whatever it takes to get the job done. Even a "banging pan."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Something's Wrong - #4354
Increasingly, a lot of us watch the news and think something like this, "Boy, something's wrong. Something's very wrong!" We hear about violent murders in a top-ranked high school, people doing things to other people that are unspeakable, families ripped apart, just an awful lot of garbage. It just feels like something's wrong in our world. But even closer to home - with the people we love most - sometimes it feels like something's wrong in our family, in our friends. In fact, we look at how we act ourselves all too often and think, "Something's wrong in me."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Joy of Telling - #4375
My young friend couldn't wait to tell us about the person he loved. And, as a result, we couldn't wait to meet her. That's how it's supposed to work with any of us who love Jesus Christ. We love to tell about Him, and as a result, some people we know want to meet Him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Missing Birthday - #4379
Our grandson knows when he was born. You know when you were born - even if you've got so many candles on your cake now that it sets off the smoke detector. Basic fact of life: your life had a definite beginning. There was a point in time at which you were born into your family. It's the same in God's family.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Point of No Return - #4384
Surprisingly, you could be at that point right now and not even know it. It's a point where the decision you make literally determines your destiny - your decision about Jesus Christ, that is.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Born to Fly - #4389
Maybe these words would basically describe how you would size up your life these days: "It's not bad; it's just not enough." Things are going okay. Nothing's melting down. But you're inexplicably, incurably restless. There's never enough love. There's never enough fulfillment - never enough peace. Something's missing.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Most Dangerous Place in The World - #4214
That desperate man, and millions like him, placed their security in an institution. An institution that seemed safe but that ultimately failed them. A lot of church folks are making that mistake today - placing their eternal security in their church; in believing its beliefs, attending its meetings, even taking church leadership. Sadly, none of that is enough to get your sins forgiven or get you into God's heaven.