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Today's devotional: becoming a little child
In Matthew 18:3, Jesus famously calls on us to "become like little children"—in fact, he...

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"Love enemies" in the Bible: Matthew 5:43-45
Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to even pray for them. He says that God causes the rain to fall and the sun to rise on our enemies as well as us.

"Abide in me" in the Bible: John 15:7
Jesus tells us that if we abide in him and allow his words to abide in us we will be able to ask for anything and it will be given to us.

"Needy" in the Bible: Matthew 6:1-4
When we give to the needy we are to give in secret. Jesus even said our right hand should not know what our left is doing when we are giving to the needy.

"Judge not" in the Bible: Matthew 7:1-3
Jesus' famous reprimand for those who spend lots of time judging others, while ignoring their own faults. We certainly wouldn't want to be judged in the same way we judge others--so leave the judging to God, and focus on correcting your own weaknesses instead.

Jerusalem in the Bible: Matthew 23:37-38
Jesus makes a chilling prophesy to the city of Jersualem, which for all its illustrious history as Israel's chief city has a long record of rejecting God and His messengers. Jesus himself was greeted into the city with adulation, but was killed by its leaders and inhabitants days later.

"Show" in the Bible: John 14:21
Jesus says that he will show himself to anyone who obeys his commands. He says that whoever loves him will also be loved by his Father.

Barns in the Bible: Luke 12:16-21
In this parable, Jesus tells us of a man whose crop was great, so he tore down his old barns and built bigger barns. The man then stored up his goods and food and laid back to relax. That very night God spoke to the man and said that he would die.

"Follow Jesus" in the Bible: Matthew 16:24
Following Jesus is not an activity for the faint of heart. Jesus asks his disciples to share in his sufferings so that we might share in his glory as well. In this verse in Matthew, Jesus says that we must take up our cross in order to follow Him.

"Rich Ruler" in the Bible: Luke 18:18-27
The story of the rich ruler is a perfect example of the grace that God extends us. The rich young ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, to which Jesus told him that he must sell all he had and come follow him. The man went away sad because he had much. The crowd confusedly asked how anyone could be saved if this was what was required of them. Jesus replied that with God all things are possible.

"Love me" in the Bible: John 14:15
When you love someone you're apt to do what they ask of you. Jesus says that loving him means obedience.