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Have you ever experienced church discipline?
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Gift-Wrapped Garbage - #2948
You can just assume that the enemy is trying to wear you down right now in some area - by offering you garbage in a package that really disarms you. That's why God wants you to know who you really are.

The Danger Zone Alarm - #3019
God's warning is clear - don't quench the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. Listen to God's alarm going off in you. You don't know the trouble this is taking you into. He does. Back away from this door. It takes you where you do not want to end up. You are entering the danger zone.

For all have sinned - a Christian perspective
Everyone has sinned--there is no-one alive who is completely innocent of sin. Accepting that truth is the first step in finding forgiveness and salvation from our sins.

Slaves to sin - a Christian perspective
Jesus taught that we are all slaves to sin by nature. But what he offers to us is not a life of slavery or service, but membership in the family of God.

God and sin - a Christian perspective
This passage explains God's attitude toward sin--in short, there's no place for sin in God's kingdom! God holiness is antithetical to any sin, and nobody who truly serves God will live a life filled with sin.

What To Do With The Garbage - #2528
There is no reason to deal with the garbage of your life again. Not when Jesus Christ has shown you what to do with it. Bring all of that garbage up skull hill where it was already dealt with by Jesus, and leave it there.

The Gilligan Syndrome - #2519
What is the Gilligan syndrome? Going farther than you wanted to, staying longer than you planned to. It might be happening to you right now. Jesus told us about a young man it happened to many years ago...

Superman is Breakable! - #2402
You've got a terminal spiritual cancer, called sin! No matter how religious, no matter how respected you may be, you've broken God's laws and you've run the life that your Creator was suppose to run and "my way" of living has left you fatally separated from God. The cure requires humility - the admission that you cannot save yourself - and then a trip, not to a dirty river, but to a dying Savior's cross.

Immune To The Smell - #2898
Ask God to make you what Romans 16:19 calls "wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil." Innocent about evil, not intrigued by what is evil. Sin stinks. It's the rotting odor of eternal death, no matter how glamorously it is perfumed. Don't ever get used to the smell.

The Dark Side - #5924
Jesus asked a haunting question about all this in Luke 6:46. It's our word for today from the Word of God. He said, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" If you got to your room tonight and found Jesus there, He might very well ask you that question. If He did, what areas of your life do you think He'd have in mind when He said, "You're not doing what I say"?