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Offer - a Christian perspective
Christians are called to offer themselves--the entirety of their lives--to God's service. This precludes us offering our bodies to sin, as we did before Christ redeemed us.

Destestable - a Christian perspective
This passage describes seven things that God finds detestable--arrogance, deceit, and murder among them.

Childbirth in the Bible - a Christian perspective
One of the consequences of Adam and Eve's fall from grace was greatly increased pain during childbirth.

Eat meat - a Christian perspective
Christians are not to do anything that will lead a fellow believer into sin. Even if it's something as innocuous as eating meat, if it causes somebody else to stumble, we should refrain from doing it.

Iniquity - a Christian perspective
Christians believe that all people are born in sin--that is, they're tainted by sin just by virtue of being human. Fortunately, Christ freely offers salvation from our sin.

Millstone in the Bible: Matthew 18:5-6
Jesus has extremely harsh words for those whose words or actions lead children astray. The kingdom of God is open to all, including children.

Guilt in the Bible: Psalm 51:1-4
All of us, without exception, bear the burden of guilt from our sins. This psalm is an eloquent confession to God of our sin, and a plea for God to forgive us and remove our guilt--a plea He gladly answers.

"Dead" in the Bible: Ephesians 2:1-10
When we live under the weight of sin, we are spiritually dead, and unable to do anything on our own. The new life Christ restores our spirit from its state of helplessness.

"Flesh" in the Bible: Romans 8:1-12
Even after we become Christians, our lives are defined by a continual struggle to resist "the flesh"--that is, our sinful nature and desires. Christ alone makes it possible to find victory over our impulse to sin.

Victory in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 15:56-58
Jesus offers us something we can never achieve on our own: victory over sin and death, two facts of human life that we could never overcome on our own. Work done in the service of Christ is never pointless, because we know that God's work will never be undone by sin or death.