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Stone Wall Heroes - #6678
At Stonewall Jackson's battle, the troops were ready to run, but one man standing gave others the courage to do the same. If you'll be that person, you can have that same kind of effect. You have to stand under the pressure, stand under the attack, you refuse to move, you refuse to compromise.

Feeling Down At the Top - #6672
Life is a series of disappointing views until we give our life to the One who alone can give it eternal meaning.

First, Breathe It Yourself - #6659
The biggest single answer for your child's weakness is to let Christ transform that weakness in you. He has redeeming grace for your son, for your daughter. But first, breathe it yourself.

Intimate Messages - #6656
That song we learned as kids didn't say, "Jesus loves us," though that's true. It's so right because it says, "Jesus loves me. This I know."

The Thought Detector - #6647
The greatest strongholds for the kingship of Jesus Christ are in our minds, and they can be, and they must be, surrendered to His will.

The Spring Break Mistake - #6629
The very God whose plans for us we trash has made this stunning promise: "I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more" (Hebrews 8:12).

It Isn't Real Until It's Behind the Wheel - #6630
There's no risk in learning what God wants. Just like there's no risk in learning how to drive. It's a little scary to go out on a limb and live that day risking that day on that truth, but see, that's how you build spiritual muscle.

Leave the Choice To the Owner - #6624
When we use sex outside the boundaries of marriage, we start a chain reaction of guilt, loss of respect, loss of intimacy, future relationships, and ugly choices.

The Survivor Tree - #6620
Our only hope is clinging to the tree where God's judgment fell on His Son. Or, more importantly, to cling to the One who died on that tree, which means abandoning all other hopes: our pride, our religion, our self-reliance. And realizing we are as desperate and as helpless as a man being swept out to sea, and then clinging to the One whose death on that tree for us is literally our only hope - your only hope.

In the Path of the Storm - #6613
God's one question when we enter eternity is going to be this: "What did you do with My Son?" Because of what His Son did for you.