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Turning Hopeless to Hope - #6610
It's Jesus and Jesus alone who can make the worst things that ever happened to you a door to hope for a lot of other broken people. I know. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Another Eternity Moment - #6607
The moment you give your heart to Jesus, every sin you've ever committed is erased from God's book forever. And what would keep you out of heaven is removed.

Don't Ever Get Used to the Smell - #6606
Sin stinks! It's the rotting odor of death, no matter how glamorously it is perfumed. So, don't get used to the smell.

Easter Eggs - #6584
Our little, earthbound lives don't have to be small anymore when we open up to the power of the One who blew the doors off His grave, who died on a cross to pay for every sin we've ever done. Our questions and our fears about what happens after our last heartbeat are answered at that empty tomb.

Five Minutes Til Midnight - #6576
Listen, the clock on each of our lives is ticking and we can't see the clock. Only God can. When it strikes our personal midnight, destination will be set by decision; the one you've made about Jesus. I know where I'm going when it's midnight. I'm going Home. I hope you are too.

The Effects of Erosion - #6569
Those flirtations are eroding you. Maybe you're walking along the sexual cliff saying, "Well, I don't plan to go all the way." Oh yeah, but you're being eroded. There are more lies in your life maybe than there used to be; recurring thoughts of sinful activity. Do you see what's happened? Slowly but surely you're going down.

Unwanted - #6572
Jesus loves you so much because you're twice His; once because He made you, and once because He paid for you with His life.

The Captain and the Crash - #6561
Jesus didn't risk His life to save me; He gave it, and He did it for you too. The day you surrender the wheel to Captain Jesus, is the day you'll start heading the direction you were made for. And the people who sail with you - all the people you love - will finally be safe.

What Wants to Bite You - #6558
The pull of temptation may be so strong on you because you haven't burned your bridges to it. You want to beat it? Then you have to avoid the places where it is, the people who draw you into it, the props that get you into it. You can't flirt with sin; it's a vicious dog! Pedal fast! The Bible says, "Flee from it." Take a route that's nowhere near the opportunity to do that sin.

The Downhill Thrill and the Uphill Bill - #6550
Oh, you have the good feeling right now that sin gives, maybe you don't have the consequences yet, and it's easy just to go with what you can see now. But the thrill is not worth the price tag. This moment won't last. The loss, oh it will last. The pain, the consequences? Just ask King David. They last a lifetime.