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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Spiritual Shopping - #4079
Now in my search for what would satisfy my appetite, I was shopping in the right store, but not in the right aisle. It's easy to make that same mistake when you're shopping spiritually - for something that will satisfy your appetite for meaning in life.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Deadliest Day in the World - #5215
Our sins have earned us the eternal death penalty the Bible calls hell. A hell which could be cancelled only one way. It took the Son of God Himself taking your hell; taking your punishment for you. You did the sinning; Jesus did the dying. When a rescuer extends his hand to you in a burning or collapsed building, you don't wait to grab it. Your chance to live is now.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Highest Bid You've Ever Had - #5246
Is it any wonder then that God bases your entire eternity on what you do with His Son? It's possible that you've believed about Jesus for a long time, but you don't belong to Jesus, because there's never been a time when you've totally given yourself to Jesus as your only hope of being forgiven from your sin - your only hope of going to heaven.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Missing Person - #5255
You can know all about children and not have a son or daughter. You can know all about marriage and not have a husband or wife. You can know all about children, you can know all about marriage, and you can know all about church, all about Christianity and not have Christ.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Ears That Hear What God Hears - #5278
There really is a Savior. Not a fictional one like Superman, but a flesh-and-blood Savior whom a dying world needs desperately. His name is Jesus. He hears every cry of the human heart, and He cries. He wants to give you ears to hear what He hears.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The High Price of Saving Your Life - #5280
Jesus wasn't a victim of religious leaders or Roman executioners. He created those people. He created the tree they nailed Him to. They didn't take His life; He gave His life. And here's the part you must not miss. He gave it for you. He put Himself between you and the judgment of


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Getting Left to Get Found - #3804
You're probably not a Girl Scout, and you're not stuck out in the woods, but it could be that you have been left...or you're feeling lost. A person you were counting on has bailed out...or maybe even died. Or something that has been one of your life anchors suddenly isn't there any more. You've been left out or left behind or left high and dry. And you're not sure which way home is. Because so much in life is temporary, it's only a matter of time before we all experience the pain of being left or being lost.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Close, but Not Close Enough - #5301
Oh, you may consider yourself a spiritual seeker; which, by the way, is a wise thing to be. You've seen that our soul can never be satisfied by just earth-stuff. You know it must be something spiritual that will give life real meaning and give your heart real peace. There are many possibilities to sample on the spiritual buffet out there today, but one possibility that's hard to overlook is Jesus Christ. He's so dominating, so compelling that virtually every world religion has an honored place for Him.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - One More Hill - #3829
You know, a lot of people live their whole lives that same way--thinking that what they're looking for is just over that next hill. The love, the peace, the fulfillment I'm looking for - it'll be in that next relationship...that next accomplishment...that next experience. But so far we've left behind us a trail of hills that were supposed to fill the hole in our heart and didn't. Some people trudge on all the way to that final hill called death - still looking, still not finding. Maybe for you, life has been a lot of climbing hills to nowhere...to disappointment and emptiness and loneliness.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Knife and the Nails - #3839
The day you make the Savior your Savior is the day the eternal wall between you and your God comes down; then you can finally have peace. And you'll be able to give up the sin that killed Him and begin living for what He loves. Once you give yourself to the Son of God who loved you enough to take your knife, your life will never be the same.
