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Today's devotional: whose strength?
Whose strength and wisdom gets you through each day—God's, or your own? The Bible speaks...

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The Sad Side of Superman - #6679
You can't always be Superman! You were never meant to be. Don't be afraid to be weak. When you admit that you're weak, you've never been stronger.

Dependence Day - #6648
Prayer is our language of dependency. You can pretty much tell how dependent you are on God by how often you feel the need to cry out to Him in prayer. There is so much more waiting for you if you'll only learn how powerful it is to recognize your powerlessness before God.

Custom Tailoring For the Fit You Need - #6623
God gives grace customized for every experience that He sends or He allows in your life. There is dying grace; you say, "I don't know how I would ever handle dying." Well, of course, you're not doing it now; you don't need it now. But haven't you seen people with dying grace? You get it when you need it.

When Plaques Turn to Life Preservers - #6579
When your feelings are lying to you, when your world is upside down, grab a promise off the wall of your heart and rest all your weight on it. The promises of God are life preservers.

How to Handle a Heavy Load - #6563
Don't try to borrow tomorrow's trouble. You don't have the strength yet. You go thinking about that and worrying about that, and you'll run ahead of your supply lines. But you'll have everything you need when that day comes. So live as God designed you to live. Cope as He's equipped you to cope - in 24-hour slices of life.

The Good News of the Empty Glass - #6562
Don't give up; open up to be filled with Christ's strength. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. Now, there's just a little of you, but that means there can be a lot of Him. If your glass is empty, that's good news, because you're about to be filled with Jesus Christ.

Those Hard-Hitting Holy Men - #6372
Listen to Jesus as He says to you, "Follow me." You'll find in His strength an intensity you were created to have in everything you do. And then, like your Master, you'll be one of those hard-hitting holy men.

Fireproof Faithfulness - #6360
Jesus says, "I want to put in your life...In fact, I want to make you a faithful fountain and we'll be able to handle any fire, any storm, any hurt, any disappointment. Oh, you'll still be able to perform even with the fire closing in around you because of two words." He says, "I will put the source in him...that's inside of you." That's opposed to just being something around you.

True Woman: Disabled but growing stronger
“My disability might not change, but because it has remained, it’s become the source—the place—in which God has changed me.”

Preparing For the Worst - #6182
No matter what hits you, God is no less in charge; His plan is no less on target. Things may be out of your control, but they're never out of His control. If you trust Him, He will give you just the equipment you need for the battle you're facing, because God's plan will not lead you where His grace cannot keep you.