Today's devotional: whose strength?
Whose strength and wisdom gets you through each day—God's, or your own? The Bible speaks...
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God's Weight Room - #6177
God's your spotter. He won't allow you to have more weight than you can handle right now. He's promised that. But He will give you something heavier than you lifted before, so you can become more powerful in Him than you've ever been before.
When the Eagle Can't Fly - #6171
God hasn't allowed you to reach the end of you so you'll give up, but so you'll give up control! It's time to finally take your fingers off that steering wheel that you've held onto so tightly and relinquish all control to Almighty God. "I give up, Lord. I can't fix it. I can't figure it out. I can't contribute anything to a solution. I'm wiped out and I'm totally releasing all of me and all of my issues to You."
True Woman Blog: Powerful Women
If you study the history of feminism, much of the rhetoric centers around women's sense of powerlessness or the perception that they have less "power" than men. But is that an accurate perception?
Sunsets in the Puddles - #6131
How you handle what you don't like is the difference between peace and frustration, between contentment and anger, and between joy and discouragement. It's all about what you dwell on, not what you're going through. If you dwell on what's beautiful, if you dwell on what God is doing, or how you can lift up other people, you could be unsinkable no matter how many icebergs there are. For as one man said, "To those who look for providences, there will always be a providence to see." Choose joy!
Slowly, But Surely, Submerged - #6105
You've got to stop that killer strategy with the first look, the first date, the first lie, the first flirtation, the first thoughts of divorce, the first detour from God's Word. This is going to take you where you don't want to go - unless you stop it now. Before today's compromise gives birth to tomorrow's tragedy, run from it.
The Store Is Yours! - #6018
God has thrown open His storehouse to His children. He's unlocked His infinite resources and promised that our prayer of faith would unleash those resources and aim them at the need we have, the situation we face, or the person we love. When you are praying, don't ever forget you really are touching heaven, changing earth.
The Can't Chant - #5974
As you're facing something right now that you "can't do," would you say it until you believe it: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." It's not about what you can do. It's about what Christ can do!
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Dangling in the Dark - #8294 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It started out as one of the scarier experiences of my wife’s childhood. Her grandfather had dropped his valuable pen into the well in their yard, and there was only one way it could be retrieved: if someone was lowered down there on a rope…someone small…like a little four-year old girl. Soon my wife found herself with a rope tied securely around her, being lowered into the darkness of that well, sort of dangling in the dark. She got the pen and she shed a lot of the fear as she did it. She told me, “I knew I’d be OK because my father was holding the rope.” If you belong to Jesus Christ, so is yours.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Unexplainable Peace - #8284 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It was a competition for young painters, and the theme was “Peace.” First prize was for the painting that best portrayed peace. The favorite: well that was a painting that showed a peaceful pasture under a rich blue sky, sheep grazing by the pond and a farm boy fishing. Well, that painting came in second. At first glance, the winning painting seemed to be like a strange choice: rugged cliffs, a foreboding dark sky, a violent storm and a turbulent ocean. But you needed to look again, because halfway up, a mother bird in her nest was there with her little baby birds nestled under her wings, sleeping peacefully.
Quietness in the Bible - a Christian perspective
God wanted Israel to to seek him through quiet, simple obedience and faith. But they refused to do even that, despite God's promise to save them if they would obey.